Wednesday 31 July 2024

#82 Maybe Not Tonight + Writing to Music

Happy Blog Day Everyone!

This week is a slow writing week (well, sort of) so I'm finally getting that music and writing piece out there! Before we can start jamming though, let's catch up on Brennan and Riz!

The Comic Tales of Brennan and Riz

As promised, not a continous tale this week! Not sure why I drew Riz as a superhero but it is something that the rat would completely do. Hope it was a good movie marathon...

Seeing the issue number though, is a sobering thought as that means eighteen more weeks till the magic one hundred, which should happen at some point in December. No ideas yet on what I'll do for such a momentous occasion, especially with it coming just before the two year anniversary of the strip.

Daemon Soul Update

The changes as requested by the editor have been approved! Which means that the editing phase is imminent! I've already been thinking of plans in the run up to publication, maybe a return to the fact files of ye olde times (things I made for fun back in 2007 and added to in 08 and 09). This time though, only fair I shine a light on Gabriel’s minions...speaking of which, the next Short Diversions will be about them.

Writing to Music

It's been a long time since I last put words to thoughts on this topic (wrote this blog about it back in the day, but I recently looked back on it and found it quite different than I remembered writing!), so I thought best to tackle the subject again, so here it goes!

Music and writing seem destined to go together.

I don't mean in the sense that you have to write music but that the two share a connection, which I think is that they both want to draw out emotions from the reader/listener, thus they compliment each other wonderfully. I know a lot of authors offer playlists that go with their stories (and would probably be featured in a motion picture adaptation!) I'm no different of course, one of the talented authors who take part in the Malarkey's Imaginomnibus anthologies with me does their own radio show and has played songs that inspired stories in each anthology we'd done. This leads us to the point where chosing that stories theme, is serious business!

For clarity's sake, I didn't actually have a song for my first Malarkey story, instead I substituted a Gabriel song (until recently, it was the only song I had for him!) That being Ginme the Prize by Queen. My second story, the last job, was written around Fade to Grey by Visage. The third was !Viva la Gloria¡ (little girl) by Green Day. The still under wraps but it had greatly influenced the story and it's that aspect that made me want to write this today.

Unless I'm writing at night when everyone is asleep and I have to be quiet, there is always music when I'm creating. If I'm not writing but there's still music and I'm idling, then you can bet I'm treating those songs like music videos in my imagination. Should point out it's only certain songs that I do this with, as they have to fit what I'm thinking about first. This is how I come to associate certain songs with my stories. It's why I see songs like Soil's Redefine as an anime like opening for Daemon Soul 2, or how Ginme the Prize ended up with Gabriel. Sometimes I'll become so enamoured with a song that I'll try to put homages to the lyrics within the writing (this has happened a few times) . To put it simply, I allow the music to influence the writing.

I could go on but I think you all get the idea here. I'll share more about what particular songs inspired my work next time, whenever it may be that I return to the subject, as there's a few to go through, and a whole lot more to discover!

I'll leave it there for now though and ask:
"What music does your writing made you think of?"

Till next time,

Keep on writing!

Peter James Martin

Quick Links

Wednesday 24 July 2024

#81 Wardrobe Confusion IV + Short Diversions: A Day in the Life

Happy Blog Day Everyone!

Today is a treat for all Valarie fans as she makes a triumphant debut in today's Short Diversions! I know some of you have been waiting patiently for this!

Before we get to that though, let's deal with your regular, weekly dose of the Comic Tales of Brennan and Riz!

Comic Tales of Brennan and Riz

Here it is, the definite, absolutely, final part of the Wardrobe Confusion storyline. It's done, it's dusted, it is an ex-storyline. That being said, it's been good fun and allowed me to indulge in that small subset of Riz fans who like seeing him in different outfits. Though, there is plans for more outfits down the line!

What's next? More one shots that hopefully won't spawn multipart stories...

Daemon Soul Update

I'm almost finished my first pass on the requested changes to the manuscript. I'm expecting a little more work to be needed to sorting out the first chapter. Been great to work with these characters again, or more specifically, Cypher and Serena. While Serena has featured in a few short stories now, Cypher has featured in none (no, vss tweets don't count), and to be fair that is by design as this book is pretty much all about Cypher. Still, writing the two together is wonderful.

I'll only update on the story if I've got news so don't expect weekly the moment.

Short Diversions; A Day in the Life

Today's star of Short Diversions is none other than Valarie! Brennan's girlfriend and Riz's rival! She's an interesting character that cropped up from time to time in the short stories before making a big splash in A Boy and A Rat. She should have been the star in a three-novella-as-a-novel project (Valarie: In Her Words, a mock autobiography type thing) but that fell apart due to huge retcons that happened within a Boy and A Rat. In short, her whole origin changed. One day I hope to write about her redone origins and her more famous family (on her dad's side) but consider that your only hint as to what is really going on there!

Aside from that though, she did appear in her own short story that was published as part of Hope is an Act of Rebellion, so please check that out if you can.

Here's the story, enjoy!

A Day in the Life

      Valarie yawned as she wondered how much longer it was going to be before the line moved again. She had only meant to pick up something from Alice’s safety deposit box as an errand but had been left languishing in the queue for over half an hour already, and she was only fourth in line. Still, she was in good spirits and didn’t want a little setback like this to ruin her mood.

       She’d woken up early that morning, and did her daily exercises. She checked every news app she could find over a cup of coffee before setting out for the day. Her original intention was to go and practise her photography, she’d been working so hard recently that she felt she’d been letting down her early passions so wanted to reconnect and see what she could see through the lens of her camera. As fate so often did, that was when she got a phone call from Alice, asking for a little favour. She didn’t object, it was literally a little favour. Valarie owed so much to Alice that she would have done it even if it was more demanding. In fact she amused herself while standing in that queue of a time where she did just that, jetting off around the world to take care of that particular task. In comparison this was merely an errand, the equivalent of asking someone to pick up some milk while they were out shopping. Ironically, Valarie had done that as well.

     The line moved and Valarie looked around again, noticing three guys who’d entered the bank, doing their best to not look like they were together, despite wearing almost exactly the same thing. Her mood lessened to a sigh when she quickly pieced together what they were there to do, their attempts at hiding it undone by the silly looking masks that were stuck in their pockets. Predictably, they left the bank again, only to reappear wearing the aforementioned masks. Valarie’s eyes rolled to the back of her head and beyond, an apt expression, as it turned out, when they did every stereotypical thing they could do in a bank robbery. They yelled out their presence, telling everyone to get down while waving around toy guns, orange safety caps and all. It was at this point Valarie assigned a nickname to each one: ‘Tom’ appeared to be the ringleader, wearing a children’s teddy bear mask, next up was ‘Dick’ running around in a rhino mask with a laughably small horn. That left ‘Harry’ in a brown monkey mask. Valarie played along at first, as the ‘Tom’ got into the teller’s face and shared an impossible list of demands that one would only come up with if you based everything on old bank heist movies. 

     As if to prove this, ‘Dick’ started trying to frisk everyone of anything that even looked remotely valuable. When the would-be thief got to Valarie, he prodded the camera she was wearing around her neck. Even through the cheap plastic mask he was wearing, she could tell that ‘Dick’ was confused by it. If she had to guess, she figured he was stumped at someone who wasn’t relying on their phone camera to take pictures, like his buddy, ‘Harry’, who was trying to force a selfie with some of the bank staff that looked absolutely terrified. 

     Ever since the three men had started their idiotic attempt at robbing the place, Valarie had been musing ways to stop them. The moron staring in wonder at her camera was the perfect place to start. She put a hand up to his face, startling him, before holding the camera up, making it look like she was going to take a picture, except she’d made sure the flash was on. ‘Dick’ went to snatch it, like a baby reaching for the nearest, shinest, item, and she took a photo. Blinded, ‘Dick’ cried out, getting the attention of the other two, who turned their heads just in time to see their friend taken down with a swift kick between his legs. He hit the floor, clutching his pain. 

     With one neutralised, she turned her attention to the others, with ‘Harry’ running at her, mixing his words up as he shouted them all out at once, brandishing his ‘gun’ in the air. Now, this was the second opportunity that presented itself to her. She waited till he came close, closer than he should ever have gotten if he had half a brain, and simply side stepped him but caught his foot with hers. This sent him crashing in, and over, a chair. ‘Tom’ had been watching all of this, and was pulling his hair out, and unlike his friend, who had become entangled within those barriers the bank used, knew who to use the gun he carried. The fact that it wouldn’t fire, he must have hoped that Valarie wouldn’t have noticed that. ‘Tom’ made a beeline for her, never once moving the barrel of the gun away from her. He shouted at her to get to the floor, while also, paradoxically, keeping her hands where he could see them and not move a muscle. 

     As she had already summed them up, they were all idiots. She went to comply, knowing that this was the last pest to deal with and placed her camera on the floor, facing towards him. He glanced down at it, which was the biggest mistake he could make, as using her foot, Valarie snapped another photograph, the flash blinding another victim. He stumbled, giving time for Valarie to follow up by pushing a table towards him, and him blindly falling over it, ending up headfirst in a cleaner’s trolley that had been left out. 

     Despite their leader being incapacitated for the foreseeable future, ‘Dick’ and ‘Harry’ were back on their feet, and furious. Valarie didn’t quite understand what they thought would happen given the circumstances, or why they held the mistaken belief that no one would oppose them. The two remaining thieves both ran at her. In one fluid motion, she grabbed her camera and fired off a succession of photographs. Each one caused them to fall over, with hilarious results. By now, the police were outside, and with her attackers, sorted, Valarie casually walked to the front door and let them.
     The police swarmed the place and ‘Tom’, Dick, and ‘Harry, didn’t put up much of a fight. In fact, considering how their attempts at robbing the bank had gone, they looked almost relieved that it was over. Valarie gave them a cheeky wave as they were hauled up to their feet, and taken away, they looked at her, and then did their best to get as far as possible away from her, ‘Harry’ practically jumping into the arms of his accompanying police officer. With all said and done, the police gave their thanks, as did the other customers and employees of the bank, though she turned down all the rewards she was offered. Instead she carried out the task she went there for, and left with a smile, noting that this was just one of those days.


That's it for this week! 

Till next time,

Keep on writing!

Peter James Martin

Quick Links

Tuesday 16 July 2024

#80 Wardrobe Confusion III + Major Announcement

Happy Blog Day Everyone!

Today I should have posting a short essay style piece on the music of writing (I go back and forth on the title). However, I had some spectacular news that I wanted to talk about instead (folks on my twitter/X account will already know!).

Before all that though, you know what time it is!

The Comic Tales of Brennan and Riz

Part three of the Wardrobe Confusion series is here...Okay, part four but you know. Last week is indeed the final part as I decided the story needed a good epilogue. It'll be more one shot strips for a while, unless an idea hit me!


So, on Monday, Salpe Publishing ran an announcement on twitter/X and on their website. One that I'd been waiting for!

Yes, after almost 20 long years (Daemon Soul was started in 2005) the story is getting its first publication. This means that readers will get the chance to see how Gabriel Baker fits into things. Of course, the story is more concerned with Terry Baker (please note the surname) and the demon slayer known as Serena (a titular Daemon Soul).

I could fill several pages with the emotions running through me as a long held dream comes to fruition. I won't though, as in some regards, I haven't fully processed everything that is happening. I probably won't till 6 months-ish down the line when I have a copy in my hands. Of course, by then, I'll be focused on the next story in line, as the process goes.

I've waffled on about these stories a bit last year on the blog along with my decision to enter self-publication with them. My decision to submit it for one last throw of the dice was one of serendipity. It came as I came across a tweet from the publisher, advertising that their submission window was open. I'd heard good things about them so said "hell with it" and submitted. This is what I was writing the Synopsis for last month.

So what happens next?

Now that contracts have been sign the next step for me is making a few adjustments to the manuscript. There's nothing major to these changes, they're fairly easy really but one of them is a bit more involved as it requires a chunk of text to be removed...but not to be deleted, oh no, there's plans for that bit of text. When those plans will occur? No idea yet, so watch this space.

Then, once those changes are done and approved, we enter the editing phase, which is where the bulk of the work needed to get the book reaching it's full potential. After that, I imagine the cover and blurb will be a lot more straight forward task!

After that? Who knows! I'm still hopeful that I can get Brennan and Riz Volume 3 together at some point but I now have impetuous to get the new Daemon Soul book 2 done while that fire is burning. I haven't forgotten War of the Fae (Brennan and Riz Book 2) but that suffered terribly when I was told there was little point in doing it.

Of course I've got four other works-in-progress to be getting on with but we'll talk about them some other time!

For now, I want to say thank you for everyone's support till now. The response to my announcement was outstanding and I hope the finished product doesn't let you down. No matter if you follow me for my Brennan and Riz content, or if you want more Gabriel in your life. Thank you all the sake.

That'll do for this week, next Wednesday you'll get a new short story to devour but till then...

Keep on writing, as you may never know when your writing dream comes true.

Peter James Martin

Quick Links

The Strange Tales of Brennan and Riz Volume 1

The Strange Tales of Brennan and Riz Book 1: A Boy and A Rat

The Strange Tales of Brennan and Riz Volume 2

Malarkey's Imaginomnibus Volume 1

Malarkey's Imaginomnibus Fade to Noir

Malarkey's Imaginomnibus Hubble Bubble

Wednesday 10 July 2024

#79 Wardrobe Confusion Interlude + Short Diversions: A Bad Dream

Happy Blog Day Everyone!

This week we've got a brand new Short Diversions for your enjoyment and a little break before the concluding part (maybe) of Riz's Wardrobe Confusion in a brand new Comic Tales of Brennan and Riz! There's also a slight update on things but it won't keep you long. Anyway, here's your favourite mismatched duo!

The Comic Tales of Brennan and Riz

So, my thinking here was to show what Riz was upto while waiting for Brennan to free him. Looking back, I think I should have made it clearer but the principle remains the same...Riz in costumes! The original line up included some different outfits, though disco Riz was always a constant. In the first draft, Riz offered commentary on the outfit, which a vestige still exists in the second panel dialogue. How the Red Dwarf one ended up there...I'm not sure, but it was fun to draw all the same, and who doesn't love Mr Flibble?

One more least! Depends on what happens next week.


I've not been working on the things I should have been this week, but there is a good reason for this. I can't divulge any information yet but soon...soon I can reveal all...and yes, it's related to something I said a couple of weeks ago. 

Short Diversions: A Bad Dream

Today's short story features a character who has technically graced this blog before...some five years ago. However, I think this serves as a better introduction, and offers a glimpse at what I was trying to achieve.

Please enjoy!

A Bad Dream

     An alarm breaks the dreadful silence, its piercing wails causing chaos. A pair of bloodied hands are raised to an unforgiven sky as screams abound. A white flash in the distance and then…

     Aldo woke up with a start, almost falling off the tree he’d been resting in. Despite the quiet nature of the Duskwuld, Aldo had never felt completely safe in having a nap at ground level. It had the additional bonus of making it harder for Dastun to find him when there was a task that needed doing. He looked up, trying to spot the sun through the black foliage, catching only the briefest glimpses of it. It was enough though to tell him that midday had since passed, and that he’d slept longer than he wanted, or wished for. 
     Listening to the gentle breeze, he tried to parse the dreams that had been plaguing him. The one that had woke him had been mercifully short compared to others. He went through periods where these types of dreams affected him, never knowing what the trigger was. It would have been easy to assume it was something going on in his day to day life, but he rejected the idea out of hand. He’d brought it up to his friends from time to time, wanting to gauge their responses but found a mixed bag. Lysa suggested that the dreams were trying to send him a message, a potential warning for the future. This didn’t go down too well with the others who offered more inane options, like the journals Aldo had been reading, or the constant murmurings of war from the neighbouring Kingdom of Jura. 

     Not able to come up with a satisfactory answer, Aldo tried to close his eyes again, wanting a bit more time to be alone with his thoughts, it was his natural state, he often mused to himself. A birdsong distracted him, and he turned his head slightly in its direction, catching sight of the little bird, almost blending in with the dark leaves it danced through. He could remember when it was far more rare to hear such a thing in the forest, and he was grateful that wildlife were making a home for themselves. His train of thought led him to think about himself and his own home. 
     He’d been staying with Datsun for a fair number of years now, the two related by blood. He jokingly called him ‘old man’ now, despite Datsun only being in his late thirties compared to Aldo’s own teenage status. The writing was on the wall though, he’d soon have to move on, most of his friends spoke about the same thing, wanting to find their fortunes outside the boundary of the village, wanting to see the world that lay beyond the black forest. While he didn’t know where he was going to go, he knew it would be a long time before he’d wind up back in Duskwuld. He wasn’t sure about the feelings that were running through him, the little bit of fear that was welling up. What was different this time? 
     The more he pondered, the more he became ever thoughtful of what Lysa had theorised about his dreams. That such a preposterous idea could be true would never be entertained in normal circumstances, but these were far from normal times. His train of thoughts were derailed when he heard the voices of children beneath him.
     “Do you think he’s out here?” the boy asked.
     “Hopefully, old Datsun sed so!” the other, a girl, replied. There were two of them, and Aldo knew both quite well. Zayn and Eri. A lively pair.
     “Is that him up there?” Zayn said, and Aldo knew the kid was pointing at him. Aldo glanced down and saw Eri peering up at him, her hand above her eyes, as if it helped her focus.
     “No! That’s jus Aldo! That’s not the Daemon Soul!” Eri proclaimed.
     “Did old Datsun want us to find him instead?”
     “Who knows…” Eri shrugged her shoulders. “We betta keep looking! Bye Aldo!”
     “Yeah, bye Aldo!” both kids shouted up tp Aldo, who waved back from his position. He waited till their voices were a whisper on a breeze. The Daemon Soul…The legendary protector of the Black Forest and all who dwell within it. A story that was passed around the village from elder to younger. Few had seen them, but it was celebrated all the same. Aldo left such things to the kids, though his friends had made a tradition of doing a night search every harvest festival. No successful searches, but they had fun all the same. 
     Looking back towards where the sun was, Aldo wondered about other places, and what legends they had forged for themselves, and if any matched the ones in the books he’d read. While the village often had travellers coming through, for various reasons, such topics were not high on the conversation list.

     Aldo sat in that same spot for a bit more, no longer thinking of anything and just enjoying the moment, and wishing it would last forever, erasing any of the bad dreams he was having, whatever their cause maybe. With a heavy sigh though, he knew it wasn’t possible, and that there were things to do. Carefully, he climbed down, and took in the view of the forest from ground level, the trees stretching out in every direction. He knew these trees had persevered through so much, the least he could do is attempt the same. With that in mind,he headed back to the village, putting his dreams behind him. For now.


That's it for this week! Hope you liked the short and I'll be back next week (probably with a look at music and writing again).

Till then...

Keep on writing!

Peter James Martin

Quick Links

Tuesday 2 July 2024

#78 Wardrobe Confusion II

Happy Blog Day Everyone!

First blog means a writing report for June, fun stuff I know, but at least you'll get a brand new Comic Tales of Brennan and Riz to ease the pain!

The Comic Tales of Brennan and Riz

The second part in what I'm planning to be either four or five parts, depending. Next week's will be a treat for anyone who wants to see more of Riz’s outfits though! Valarie makes another rare appearance here and I can never decide what her hair colour actually is...mainly because I messed up in her first appearance way back in issue #2!

Also I apologise if the comic is a bit darker quality wise, I'm having trouble balancing the colours.

June Report

Again, not much going here. All my projects are ticking along.

My Malarkey's Story has been rebooted as a much better idea has taken hold, a much weirder one come to think of it, but if a weird story isn't perfect for Malarkey's Imaginomnibus, then I don't know what is. I'll have more details to share later, but the folklore behind the story remains the same, so expect a different take on Will'o-the-wisps then you were probably expecting!

Short story wise, the blog got two new additions:

Confessions in the Dark- A must for any Gabriel fan, where I state in text, for the first time what Gabriel’s ambition actually is. Let's face it, it's the only aim grand enough for him.

Eve- Introducing a new character of sorts (though her world shares a connection with everyone's favourite Demon Merchant). Technically the 2nd short story from there, if you count this entry from back in 2019!

Anyway, not a lot to talk about this month, hopefully things pick up soon. I'm waiting on the transfer of important documents and images from my old publisher so I can get Brennan and Riz sorted out under my name, and with that, get Volume 3 out there in the wild. Plus I have two deadlines approaching faster than I would like (Malarkey's and a rewrite of a Harvey Duckman story...I can definitely improve what I submitted last year).

Till next time,

Keep on writing!

Peter James Martin

Quick Links

The Strange Tales of Brennan and Riz Volume 1

The Strange Tales of Brennan and Riz Book 1: A Boy and A Rat

The Strange Tales of Brennan and Riz Volume 2

Malarkey's Imaginomnibus Volume 1

Malarkey's Imaginomnibus Fade to Noir

Malarkey's Imaginomnibus Hubble Bubble