Tuesday 25 June 2024

#77 Wardrobe Confusion I +Short Diversions: Eve

Happy Blog Day Everyone!

This week I have a brand new short story for everyone, one that is actually fairly short for once. Miracles do happen I guess!

Before that though, I hear a strange sound coming from a drawer...We'd better see what Brennan and Riz are up to!

The Comic Tales of Brennan and Riz

I thought it was about time to look at Riz’s wardrobe, and just how big it is! That 'I' in the title? That means you can strap yourself in for a mini-arc with this as of course, next week we'll see Brennan dragged into this!

In case anyone was wondering, yes that costume Riz’s is working in panel 1? Yup that's a Scooby Doo reference...Don't worry I hate myself too.

Short Diversions: Eve

Today's Short Diversions comes from a slightly different place to a lot of the shorts, and by that, I mean my Daemon Soul based ones as the world the titular Eve inhabits, is an alternate one to that. Eve as a character first came into play in the early 2010s as a character in an role play I was doing at the time. The same role play in fact which led to this piece of fiction that I shared some years ago!

The idea was that in this timeline, Eve was the only Daemon Soul that had ever been or ever was and was instrumental in Aldo Ansem's development, freeing him from a very dark influence...

Back in the role play, she was used once other twice then forgotten about...till now.




An alternate 1986

     Eve sat staring up at the sky, in all her years on earth, this was still by far her favourite pastime. Normally, looking up into the starry sky offered her a connection to the halcyon days of her youth, a time long gone. She remembered what her father told her about them, the promise of life that each one held. Here though, in the present, there was little she could see, as the hazy neon glow of the London night life in full swing diluted any chance to see the full canvas of the night. There was one element she could still make out though, and that was the Moon, the silvery sentinel that had more or less been her constant companion throughout her lifelong duty. She knew that, like her, the moon had been given the task of protection. When she was a child, it gave her the impression that they had a bond, a bond that she always kept in the back of her mind. It was under this crowning jewel, lessened by the haze, that she preferred conducting her work. She wasn’t against day time excursions but the night was when her prey was most active.

     A haunting sensation filled her mind, distracting her from the memories she indulged in. She dragged her gaze down from the sky to the city below, focusing on a specific spot. She stood up, and grabbed her sword, Red Daughter, from where she left it, impaled into an air conditioning unit. An hour earlier a monster had been ended by its curved blade. For this evening, she had chosen one of the capital’s skyscrapers for her vantage point, and she now stood on the precipice. Without any hesitation, she turned around, and let herself fall backwards, keeping her eyes on the Moon, reciting a rhyme that had stayed with her all these aeons.

     “Moon, Moon, in the sky. What do you see? Standing so high…”

     She fell for a few seconds, till she closed her eyes and then propelled herself away from the building and to a nearby rooftop, barely letting her feet touch the ground before jumping off towards the next one. This continued on for five minutes, each time getting lower and lower to street level till she was amongst the crowded streets.

     No one turned their heads at her as she went past the people, running through whatever gaps she could find. As she sped through, she noted the changing appearances of the humans and their culture, if it continued as it looked, her own appearance wouldn’t raise any concern amongst them with her purple eyes and split colour hair. Her clothes were probably the only thing that could have raised an eyebrow, given they were a mix of ones she’d found and homemade items. Back at the place she called home, she even had armour for times when her prey was more than challenging. Tonight though, she didn’t need such things.

     Hurrying down a side street, her senses grew stronger till she caught sight of them. There were three grey humanoid shapes stalking through the alley, and she knew that they were hunting all the same as she was. One of them turned to face her, his red eyes narrowing for a second before widening in fear. He was the first to die as Eve swung Red Daugther in an arc that splattered foul smelling black blood everywhere. The other two didn’t know whether to fight or flee, but extended their claws all the same. Eve didn’t give the next one a chance to decide its move, as her sword cut him in half vertically with ease, the remains falling either side of her. The last demon uttered a curse as it threw all caution to the wind and attacked in a berserker rage. Eve showed no emotion as she calmly waited for the monster to close the gap, and then put it out of its misery. With her prey killed for the time being, Eve flicked her sword clean of the black blood that was already starting to dissolve. A few humans came close to the alley, on hearing the commotion, but left bored, finding only a few ripped up bin bags.

     Eve wondered what the humans would think, if they knew the truth about the demonic scourge and other threats that lurked in the shadows of their lives. Would it make their constant fighting seem pointless? Or would it make it worse, with humans vying to join the ranks of her hated foe. She’d overheard the tales of an imminent war between the powers that governed the human world and shook her head. Her senses triggering again, Eve looked back up at the barely visible moon, before running off again into the night…


That's all we have time for this week!

Till next time,

Keep on writing!

Peter James Martin 

Quick Links

The Strange Tales of Brennan and Riz Volume 1

The Strange Tales of Brennan and Riz Book 1: A Boy and A Rat

The Strange Tales of Brennan and Riz Volume 2

Malarkey's Imaginomnibus Volume 1

Malarkey's Imaginomnibus Fade to Noir

Malarkey's Imaginomnibus Hubble Bubble

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