Tuesday 16 July 2024

#80 Wardrobe Confusion III + Major Announcement

Happy Blog Day Everyone!

Today I should have posting a short essay style piece on the music of writing (I go back and forth on the title). However, I had some spectacular news that I wanted to talk about instead (folks on my twitter/X account will already know!).

Before all that though, you know what time it is!

The Comic Tales of Brennan and Riz

Part three of the Wardrobe Confusion series is here...Okay, part four but you know. Last week is indeed the final part as I decided the story needed a good epilogue. It'll be more one shot strips for a while, unless an idea hit me!


So, on Monday, Salpe Publishing ran an announcement on twitter/X and on their website. One that I'd been waiting for!

Yes, after almost 20 long years (Daemon Soul was started in 2005) the story is getting its first publication. This means that readers will get the chance to see how Gabriel Baker fits into things. Of course, the story is more concerned with Terry Baker (please note the surname) and the demon slayer known as Serena (a titular Daemon Soul).

I could fill several pages with the emotions running through me as a long held dream comes to fruition. I won't though, as in some regards, I haven't fully processed everything that is happening. I probably won't till 6 months-ish down the line when I have a copy in my hands. Of course, by then, I'll be focused on the next story in line, as the process goes.

I've waffled on about these stories a bit last year on the blog along with my decision to enter self-publication with them. My decision to submit it for one last throw of the dice was one of serendipity. It came as I came across a tweet from the publisher, advertising that their submission window was open. I'd heard good things about them so said "hell with it" and submitted. This is what I was writing the Synopsis for last month.

So what happens next?

Now that contracts have been sign the next step for me is making a few adjustments to the manuscript. There's nothing major to these changes, they're fairly easy really but one of them is a bit more involved as it requires a chunk of text to be removed...but not to be deleted, oh no, there's plans for that bit of text. When those plans will occur? No idea yet, so watch this space.

Then, once those changes are done and approved, we enter the editing phase, which is where the bulk of the work needed to get the book reaching it's full potential. After that, I imagine the cover and blurb will be a lot more straight forward task!

After that? Who knows! I'm still hopeful that I can get Brennan and Riz Volume 3 together at some point but I now have impetuous to get the new Daemon Soul book 2 done while that fire is burning. I haven't forgotten War of the Fae (Brennan and Riz Book 2) but that suffered terribly when I was told there was little point in doing it.

Of course I've got four other works-in-progress to be getting on with but we'll talk about them some other time!

For now, I want to say thank you for everyone's support till now. The response to my announcement was outstanding and I hope the finished product doesn't let you down. No matter if you follow me for my Brennan and Riz content, or if you want more Gabriel in your life. Thank you all the sake.

That'll do for this week, next Wednesday you'll get a new short story to devour but till then...

Keep on writing, as you may never know when your writing dream comes true.

Peter James Martin

Quick Links

The Strange Tales of Brennan and Riz Volume 1

The Strange Tales of Brennan and Riz Book 1: A Boy and A Rat

The Strange Tales of Brennan and Riz Volume 2

Malarkey's Imaginomnibus Volume 1

Malarkey's Imaginomnibus Fade to Noir

Malarkey's Imaginomnibus Hubble Bubble

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