I said Short Diversions would return this week, and return it shall! However, this year, I'm trying something a little different!
Instead of a different short story every two weeks, you'll get...well, you'll see in a few moments!
Of course, I'm hearing a lot of din coming from a certain pair...
The Comic Tales of Brennan and Riz
It must be said, Brennan is sadly correct. This is the start of something!
Not sure why the idea popped into my head about Riz starting a band. I will run with it however! Already have plans for the next few strips. If I had to say now, it'll probably be four parts, depends on when Valentines falls as its tradition now to do something for it.
Short Diversions: Phantom Dawn- Memories of a Rose Prologue
Okay, so first off, yes the title of the story here is a bit longer than the blog title where I just wrote Rose. That's because the whole thing would not have fit. That out of the way let's get into it shall we?
Rose is an interesting character. She's appeared in a couple of short stories, one which actually published. She was first created as part of a rpg me and a friend were going to do over email. I think that's as much as I can about her without major spoilers! Readers may remember her from last year when I shared the story and pictures from my Phantom Dawn: Memories of a Rose thread. This is technically the same story though with a few changes...actually scratch that as I'm planning the full story to be over three novellas so there's going to be more added and more detail.
Hopefully at the end, I can take what I wrote, clean it up, and release it online in some fashion. It'll be very interesting to people reading the Daemon Soul series (not just for the special guests who appear in it)
I'll share notes where appropriate but for now, it's prologue time.
Prologue: Fade to Black
It hurt to open her eyes but she knew she needed to. All they revealed was an inky darkness, as though she was submerged deep underwater, where no light could penetrate the depths. She floated there, lost to all sense of time and space. She wanted to breath but couldn't, and lacked the energy to even struggle against the oppressive force that was keeping her in check. She couldn’t remember anything other than the moment she was stuck in.
She became aware that something else was floating next to her, something small. She squinted her eyes, struggling to see what was there in the dark. Slowly, her body began to resonate with the desire to know what this item was, and although it was a struggle, she regained the use of her arms, pushing against the pressure that was holding her in place.
What ever it was she was reaching for, it gave her a reason to live again, wanting freedom from the abyss she has fallen in to. As if responding to her will, the item started glowing, revealing a shape that she remembered the name of but little else: a rose. A single, solitary, rose. With part of the stem still attached. The colour of it was a vibrant red, the glow that now permeated it revealing every single detail.
At first, it seemed like her struggle would come to nothing, with the rose being beyond her reach. Yet, little by little, the gap between the girl and the rose narrowed, till at last, she was able to grasp it. With the slightest touch, images flooded her mind, someone handing her the rose, a gift with intent behind it. There were flashes but they were too mixed in to make anything else out. She pulled the rose close to her as she started to roll in the fetal position, floating there with the one remnant of her memories.
“Who am I?” she asked herself, but there was no one to offer her any answers.
She closed her eyes.
And then…
That's a wrap for this week!
I'm unsure of the frequency of the updates at the moment, but I'm hoping for at least once every fortnight. If I can do several weeks on the trot, than brilliant! But my time keeping is never that reliable.
Till then...
Keep on writing!
Peter James Martin
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