Wednesday 29 May 2024

#73 A Rat For The People + Short Diversions: A Demon Amongst Spiritualists

Happy Blog Day Everyone!

Today is a Short Diversions day, as we take a walk over to my Daemon Soul stories. Sadly there is a bit of bad news sandwiched between the brand new Comic Tales of Brennan and Riz and that aforementioned short story, but we'll deal with that there. 

For now, let's see what Riz is doing...oh no...

The Comic Tales of Brennan and Riz

Given what's happening in the UK at the moment, I couldn't resist including one of Riz’s other, less disgusting desires. Though someone should probably tell him that people vote for MPs rather outright prime ministers.

Art wise I'm still trying to get folded arms down, and I'm still failing judging by Brennan in that first panel. Trial and error, just trial and error.

Update Addendum

Last week I mentioned that I had submitted (again) for the steampunk edition of the latest Harvey Duckman Presents anthology. Well, after a short couple of days wait...I failed.

It was an answer I was kind of expecting but hit hard all the same (must be something about this time of year as I'm sure I spoke about rejection at a similar point a year ago!).

They do say as one door closes another opens, and I have had inspiration struck about a new one but if I'll get chance to mine it for 3k words before deadline on this coming Friday (or even if I should) is something that remains to be seen. In the meantime however, I'll post up my submission on this blog soon so you can decide for yourself if it had potential. Watch this space.

Short Diversions: A Demon Amongst Spiritualists

Today's Short Diversions is another entry into my Daemon Soul stories, or if you prefer the antagonist, the Gabrielverse. 

Please enjoy!


A Demon Amongst Spiritualists

13th October 1874

     Rain beat down on the gloomy London streets. Those foolish enough to be out in it made quick their visits.

     For the members of the Oracle Spiritualist Society, it was the best weather they could have asked for. Not content with what they dubbed as cheap party tricks from their contemporaries, they sought to prove once and for all, with ironclad proof, the spirit world, was real. To this aim, they performed all the research they could, read all the esoteric texts and communed with those that claimed to be readily in touch with the dearly departed.

     Time and time again, they were let down, but still, they persevered, using their dream as strength to carry on. Then, he turned up. He promised them that they could achieve their dream, that all of London, nay, the world, would know their name. Having made little headway elsewhere, his deal was readily seized upon, and preparations began.

     All of it culminated in this fateful night. Few paid attention to the small gathering of eccentrics, and those that did noticed the smiling man amidst the more nervous individuals. It was this smiling man who emerged alone a few hours later, once the rain had subsided, and left without leaving a trace.

     It wouldn't be till the next morning that the poor Oracle Spiritualist Society was found, yet the horror was only about to begin.

20th October 1874

     A thick fog covered London town, only the street lamps offering a hazy light for guidance. For the figure darting across the cobblestone rooftops, they didn't need it. Their appearance was obscured by a cloak that blew behind them as they carried on their path, a sword in their right hand. Despite their unnatural speed every footstep went unnoticed by the people below. They crouched as they neared the end of the row of houses. Ahead, was a vacant house. A sinister presence permeated the fog, giving the building an aura of malice. The figure atop the roofs, hopped down with all the grace of a cat and, unobstructed, walked slowly till the vacant house loomed large in front of them. Understandably, there was no one around, the strange matter regarding the houses abandonment, coupled with the murders of the past few days, had seen to that. The strange figure was undeterred and walked up to the structure that would have been more impressive in better circumstances. A mounted plaque was still in place on the door that swung slightly open. The figure ran a finger over it, reading what was written:

     ‘Oracle Spiritualist Society’.

     The fog seemed to swell as the figure stood on the threshold, blocking off any potential retreat if they so wished to take it. In response, the figure simply shut the door as they disappeared inside.

     The atmosphere inside was no different to the outside, with the pitch darkness replacing the oppressive fog. The figure was in the main foray, but their goal didn't lie here, and probed the doors that came off from this room carefully. After a few moments, they ventured into the dining room, the site of many of the group's seances. The figure pulled their hood down, revealing the face of a young Japanese woman, a streak of blue hair and emerald eyes marked her as different.

     “I know you are here…” she said aloud, wanting her statement to echo around the empty property. “My name is Serena, and I have come to kill you. Show yourself so we can end this matter!”

     Silence greeted her.

     Then came the first thud from above. Then the second, and third. Serena followed them back into the foray where the large staircase was. The thuds were now at the landing directly above her and Serena tightened her grip on the sword that she held at the ready. 

     A steady rhythm of thuds began on the descending steps. The stairs themselves were an L shape with a bend turning to the right. It was these steps her target was coming down and with each noise the tension grew tighter till she saw movement. She darted forward, not wanting to give her opponent any chance but it was only before she thrust her blade in did she realise that the object that had been making the noise wasn't her prey, but the badly mauled corpse, it's remaining eye barely hanging in the socket. How long dead the body was, Serena couldn't tell, but clearly it hadn’t propelled itself down the stairs. Carefully, she took a step back, the silence that had settled once more seemed heavier, like it was refusing to offer the blue haired woman any respite.

     Crash! The ceiling above Serena gave way in a downpour of broken timber that threatened to bring down more of the first floor. Not needing time for the dust to settle, Serena brandished her sword in a defensive posture. Four red eyes shone brightly from the dust as a form took shape.

     “There you are, demon,” Serena muttered, her eyes locking with that of the foul monster in front of her. With nothing obscuring anymore, the beast stepped forward. It resembled a lion in body structure but was several degrees bigger. Instead of a mane of fur, it had a mane of quills that appeared razor sharp. It's overall colour was a dark purple.

     “I've been expecting you. He said you'd come to claim my head,” the demon said with a purr. He raised a paw as twisted claws emerged.

     “Did he? And where is he now?” Serena asked, she'd seen too many demons to be intimidated by this one.

     “He left, wanting me to give you a message.”

     “And what is that message? What did Gabriel want you to tell me?” Serena controlled her breathing, knowing full well what was fated to happen.

     “He asked you to come and find him…Should you survive...” That seemed to be the signal as the fight started in earnest.

     In the beginning, the combatants stuck to little moves, trying to gain an advantageous position. Blade did meet claw but only as they passed each other. Both knew that at this stage, gaining information about the other was paramount, wanting to test defences and see what they were capable of. 

     For Serena, this meant working out what type of demon she was dealing with. The way it poised itself, its manner of speaking, none of it was pointing towards a low level monster, far from it. Sensing her concern, the demon spoke up again, as it prowled around her:

     “He made me, using their hopes, their fear of death…My first sight was their drained corpses stuck to the ceiling. Every essence they contained, now within me. He gave me my name and then another.”

     The demon remained calm, not letting any emotion rise to the surface.

     “And those names?” Serena asked in return.

     “Leo Nemeaeus…The other, he called me Primal…” With that, Leo growled furiously and Serena knew what kind of monster she was now facing.

     “A primal…He created a demon of that power…Why? Was your only goal to kill me?” Serena demanded.

     “It was not in my nature to ask him that, I only hunger, as I do now, and the only food before me, is you.” Leo bounded at her, claws at the ready. As he made contact with Serena, she rolled onto her back, using her legs to launch him through one of the walls, sending him into the dinning room where he smashed through the table that had once been used in futile attempts to talk to the dead. Back on her feet quickly, she followed the demon, to continue the fight, but finding no opening to take advantage of. Every thrust she made, every strike, was countered by claw, or the spikes of the demon’s ruff.

     “Is this all you have?” Leo roared at the top of his voice, causing the weakened structure to shake. The spikes that formed his mane picked up, all of them pointing at Serena before being launched at her in a blitz of projectiles. Using her sword, she batted away the ones that got too close, while using her agility to evade the others, but it was merely a distraction as the demon followed up the last spike, lunging at his opponent, knocking the sword from her grasp and trying to pin her to the ground. 

     As she struggled, he unhinged his jaw, making it large enough to take her head and most of her torso in one bite, but he was unable to deliver the killing blow, as Serena used all of her strength to lift the demon off her, before throwing him backwards, breaking more of the furniture. Leo snarled in rage as his jaw fixed itself, his mane regrowing the spines quickly. Serena was free again though, and knew that she had to get her sword back, the other thing she realised that if this fight persisted, she would quickly be at a disadvantage. Serena could use their anger against them till they wore themselves out, that wouldn’t happen to a Primal type demon. Instead, she was more likely to get worn out, not to say anything of others getting drawn into the conflict. With the noise they were making, she knew it was only a matter of time before people from Avalon got involved, a disaster waiting to happen. 

     This didn’t leave her with a lot of options, and those that she could do, she needed her sword for. Leo wasn’t giving her the chance to get it, as he barreled into her, using his bulk to knock her down with the force of a charging rhino. Serena landed with a thud but she rebounded, landing on her feet. This allowed her to narrowly miss another charge, this time was more crucial as the demon had his claws extended, wanting to skewer her. Now, the sword was in sight, but she had to get around the demon, who was gearing up for yet another attempt on her life. 

     Serena faced him down, and waited till he was close enough to see the veins popping out of his flesh. She went to leap over him, using his head as a leverage point. The demon skidded into a turn, wanting to catch her before she landed, unleashing another barrage of spikes. A few of them found their mark, sticking into her side, but she was undeterred, and what’s more, she had her sword back.

     “You should be proud that a human like yourself is making me work for my meal,” the demon said, a little bit of calm returning to its voice.

     “Human? Did your master not inform you about who you were supposed to kill? I am not a human,” Serena replied. With her free hand, she pulled out the spikes, letting them fall to the floor.

     “If you’re not human…”

     “I am a Daemon Soul. The being that will kill you, and all of your kind. Let us end this fight.” Serena pointed the tip of her sword at the demon, as she became enveloped by a blue aura…. 

     Outside the house, a young boy, no more than seven years old, had inched closer to the house. His rough sleeping had been woken by the howls and crashes coming from the building. All his instincts were telling him to run, to leave the area and never return, but his curiosity dragged him ever nearer. He only retreated when he heard a final, blood quenching roar, sounding like a beast’s last outburst, and the house, which had been swaying slightly, finally gave way. The child waited till it looked like everything had settled, before venturing closer again. He didn’t know if it was the dust, but his vision was hazy, as he saw a figure emerge from the ruins. They were swathed in a strange blue light, pulling what looked like a sword free. The child could make out no discerning features, and he blinked, the figure completely disappearing from view. The child turned with shock though as someone put a hand on his shoulder from behind.

     “We mean you now harm. Did you see what happened here?” It was an older man, but his features were hidden behind a light grey high hood and a tri corner hat. He was flanked by two others who were dressed the same. There was a symbol on the cloaks though, of a sword in front of a shield.

     The child nodded in response, not being able to summon enough words to give an answer verbally. The man in charge pointed to the ruins, and the other two went over, rummaging through.

     “Sir! I found the demon!” One shouted after a moment, he withdrew a pistol from inside the cloak, pointing at a hazy mass that was safely out of the child’s perception.

     “Dead?” the leader asked.

     “Recently, it’s only started to dissolve now…” the one with the gun put it away as quickly as he withdrew it.

     “So, she did beat us to it. Did you see a woman by chance?” the leader asked the child.

     “I d-don’t know…I couldn’t see them properly, mister.” the child replied.

     “But you did see someone? Do you have a name?” 

     “My name is Charlie… Charlie Blake, sir.”

     “We are from an organisation called Avalon, we exist to keep this country safe from monsters that wish to do us harm. Would you like to come with us?”

     Charlie certainly couldn’t think of a reason not too, and once the men from Avalon had gathered what they needed, they all departed.

     Serena had stood observing them from a high vantage point, she was tired, but not as bad as the last time she’d fought like that. She’d put the demon to death as was her duty, but what she’d really wanted was to have faced Gabriel once more, and finally deliver the justice that he rightly deserved. Yet again, the Demon Merchant had escaped, leaving nothing but a trail of bodies in his wake. Silently, she lifted her hood up. There was still much work to do…


Charlie Blake...Wonder if he's related to Isabelle Blake (daft question, that's her great granddad!)

That's it for now.

Till next time,

Keep on writing!

Peter James Martin 

Quick Links

The Strange Tales of Brennan and Riz Volume 1

The Strange Tales of Brennan and Riz Book 1: A Boy and A Rat

The Strange Tales of Brennan and Riz Volume 2

Malarkey's Imaginomnibus Volume 1

Malarkey's Imaginomnibus Fade to Noir

Malarkey's Imaginomnibus Hubble Bubble

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