Wednesday 25 October 2023

#42 I Need Dem All + Nanowrimo 103

 Happy Blog Day Everyone!

Today is the last of my articles (read: waffling) about Nanowrimo (starts Wednesday!). Before that though, let's see what Riz is getting up to...

The Comic Tales of Brennan and Riz

This is most certainly true in my experiences...just not that many to fill an entire office.

Please note the potential layout of Brennan and Riz's office there, first time I've ever had to think about it!

Join us next week for the concluding part of this little look at Riz’s writing exploits...I'll apologise for the joke ahead of time.

Nanowrimo 103

So, here's the last I'll say about Nanowrimo (this is a lie as I hope to provide weekly updates on my own progress from next Wednesday...which will be interesting as I normally write this on a Tuesday!).

The topic this time?

Keeping the writing going, and other bits of advice while doing Nanowrimo.

As November drags on and on, you might find your motivation wanes. Some people don't have this issue as they just breath out words like carbon dioxide, ending up with 50k words in the blink of an eye. Other's won't be so lucky.

In a lot of ways, my advice mirrors what I've said about writers block in the past, being that if you don't feel like you can write, don't force yourself. If you try and bruteforce the block, you'll end up making things far more worse than they need to be.

According to Nanowrimo, the average amount of words per day you need to accomplish the 50k by November 30th, is 1667, if memory serves. Unless you've got the inspiration, keep at this level, if you can. I often prefer writing little and often. Instead of letting that 1667 look daunting (that's about 3-4 A4 pages) break it down into manageable chunks based around what time you have. I write on my phone as well as my laptop (using Google Docs to sync the two up) this means I can turn that 1667 into seven blocks of about 250 words, adding more to them if I'm able. This may work for you, or it may not. I swear, there will be a way forward.

One other bit of advice? Don't lose heart if you fall behind. All you'll be doing is kicking yourself and making things worse. If you don't do the 50k, pick yourself up and be happy with what you did manage to accomplish. Not everyone may find the month clear sailing to get writing in.

Remember, writing is about expressing yourself and sharing a story (or matters if non-fiction) close to you. Doing things under duress won't make them better.

Also at the end, you may not like the 50k words you wrote. This is natural. Use it as a stepping stone to get to where you want the manuscript at. I said before that I wrote Draft 1 of A Boy and A Rat for Nanowrimo then immediately scrapped it. The story it became from those ashes was only possible because of what I wrote for Nano.

So, there it is.

A week today it all starts.

If you're participating in Nanowrimo, then good luck. Keep calm and try your best. I'll see you in the writing trenches.

Till next week,

Keep on writing!

Peter James Martin

Quick Links

The Strange Tales of Brennan and Riz Volume 1

The Strange Tales of Brennan and Riz Book 1: A Boy and A Rat

The Strange Tales of Brennan and Riz Volume 2

Malarkey's Imaginomnibus Volume 1

Malarkey's Imaginomnibus Volume 2

Harvey Duckman Presents Volume 13

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