Wednesday 4 October 2023

#39 Where Else + Nanowrimo Looms!

 Happy Blog Day Everyone!

This blog marks the first one in October, and that month to Nanowrimo! So this month, I'll be talking a little bit about it and my experiences with it as this will be my seventh (!) Year taking part, and hopefully my sixth success.

But before that, let's catch up with Brennan and Riz!

The Comic Tales of Brennan and Riz

I'm planning next week to be the final installment...but it may be the week after. In reality I could probably do another ten weeks worth but I don't think the returns are worth the risk, especially since I now need to plan the Xmas story. Ideally I want that one done in six strips, so looking at 2/2/2 for beginning/middle/ending respectively..

Though adding a seventh for a dedicated ending may worthwhile.

Phantom Dawn: Memories of a Rose

As I said last time, I've now restarted this series (if you can call it that). Its no longer daily as that would kill me. Instead I pick and choose when to update based on the vss prompt of the day.

That said, let's get back to it!


Rose is facing down Dagger and her sister, Haze. Unfortunately, her strongest punch didn't do what she'd hoped...

(First posted 20th September 2023)

Mason, Kurz and Neal were forced to watch as Dagger brutalised Rose.

"Get up..." Dagger roared to the downed Rose. "Get up so I can knock you down again! So I can knock you more than #black and blue!" She let loose a howl of manical laughter.

(First posted 25th September 2023)

"No! Stop it now!" Kurz yelled, he'd had enough of watching Rose be beaten over and over again. A moment later, an energy blast narrowly missed Kurz head.

"Stop your #overture now. No one is interfering with my sister's fun," Haze announced.

(First posted 27th September 2023)

Eros sat hiding one of the pillars, watching the fight. He'd hid when it all started. He hated to admit it, but there was a #chasm between his strength and theirs. The two girls were bad enough, but the one in the mask...gave even Eros chills 

(First posted 1st October 2023)

Void glanced around the room, and sighed beneath his mask:

"I know you're having fun, Dagger, but end this now!"

"I could do this #endlessly," Dagger purred to Rose. "But I want to beat the person that humiliated us before! Let me defeat her!"

Nanowrimo Looms

It was 2017 when I first heard of the Nanowrimo contest, and it was because of a monthly meeting my publisher used to do for the authors they worked with. It might have even been my first one I went to. At this point I didn't yet know if Girl in the Water had made the shortlist yet for Crossing the Tees 2017 (my first published story ever as it would turn out). I can't remember what was said about it exactly, just that it was okay if you couldn't meet the goal of 50k words in the span of 30 days. Wanting to give it a go, I set myself up an account and was off..

My first ever project (which I didn't achieve I might add, fell way short) was Daemon Soul: Avalon...or at least a version of it.

Why am I telling you this? Well, because it's that time of year again where in little under a month, thousands (and more) writers will start feverishly typing away, knocking that target down word by word. In fact, I know someone who can get it done under 15 days...

I haven't announced my project yet, but I do plan on entering again this year because I'm a creature of habit. I know what it won't be, of course, anything Brennan and Riz related at the moment, unless something changes. At this point, it's likely going to be Avalon Tales as I reckon with some luck, I can use the contest to finish the first and second novellas, propelling me into the final one. Then again, this is me, and I have completely changed projects before in the middle of the contest.

I'll plan to do a blog post focusing on Nanowrimo each week now till November hits (though if I recall, the 1st is on a Wednesday this year...) and I'll go through my past projects and what happened to them, and how I prepare for them.

Till next week,

Keep on writing!

Peter James Martin

Quick Links

The Strange Tales of Brennan and Riz Volume 1

The Strange Tales of Brennan and Riz Book 1: A Boy and A Rat

The Strange Tales of Brennan and Riz Volume 2

Malarkey's Imaginomnibus Volume 1

Malarkey's Imaginomnibus Volume 2

Harvey Duckman Presents Volume 13

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