Tuesday, 17 October 2023

#41 The Forbidden Text + Nanowrimo 102

 Happy Blog Day Everyone!

This week is a continuation of my brief talk about Nanowrimo (next week is the last as the week after...it begins!). We also have Riz tackling his own little writing mission in today's Comic Tales of Brennan and Riz!

Finally, we'll have the last batch of this months spooky 7DayTale (spread over 13 days!) Drawings.

Let's get on with the show!

Comic Tales of Brennan and Riz

Eratica Erotica is a joke book of course...thankfully. I would not want to have to write that many poems dealing with Riz’s desires. It would most certainly put me on someone's to watch list! The name was suggested to me by a fellow twitter (of X, if you'd really prefer to use that) user and it stuck. I've done a fair use jokes in my daily Very Short Stories (VSS for short) on that part of social media. Of course this is the first time it's turned up in comic form. 

7DayTale: 13 Days of Halloween

When we last left off, poor Daniel was having a bad time at the carnival...can it get worse? Of course it can!

(First posted 9th October 2023)

Daniel fell to the #ground, his hand on his mouth. He watched the blood from his friend circle a drain on the floor. Half of the broken mask wallowing in the gore.

None of the crowd reacted to Daniel's plight they just kept throwing balls at Lance's corpse.

(First posted 10th October 2023)

Daniel felt like the #analogue signals in his brain were being mixed up. He reached for the nearest person. Wanting answers he grabbed them, causing their mask to fall. Daniel stared into his own face, and slowly, started to cackle madly.

(First posted 11th October 2023)

Daniel was hysterical as he looked around the carnival more. Every guest was a version of him, and they had all killed his 'friends. Their deaths playing out before in gruesome fashion. Behind him, the ringmaster approached like a farmer, ready to #harvest.

(First posted 12th October 2023)

"How is it?" the ringmaster asked, grinning. Daniel stared at him.

"What is going on?"

"Don't you remember?" the ringmaster said. "You asked for this! I'm Gabriel, the #demon merchant. You found my card and wanted revenge on your bullies. We made a deal."

(First posted 13th October 2023)

Daniel thought back to then. His 'friends' controlled and abused him

 It pushed him further into the abyss.

"Cheer up!" Gabriel laughed. "I've seen #Scotsmen break faster! You've got a show to finish." He held out his hand for Daniel to reach up and grab.

(First posted 14th October 2023 Last Part!)

At once, Daniel's clothes changed into that of the ringmaster.

"Until first light, this circus, and your friends souls, is yours. #Bear the responsibility well, kid!" Gabriel laughed, as Daniel danced off with maniacal glee, ready for more murderous fun.


These you have it! Gabriel gets to say he's helped another poor unfortunate soul...When will they learn!

As much as I enjoy drawing for these events, it's pretty time consuming. Hopefully I can get back to Rose's trials soon enough.

Nanowrimo 102

Last week I went through all my previous projects from each successive Nano I've done. This week, I want to start with a question.

Are you a planner or a pantser?

For those who don't know, they're two types of writers. The first is the type that has everything planned before they even start the manuscript. They'll have everything planned out and a mood board/ music playlist to match. The second, is those flying by the seat of their pants from the get go (hence the name!). The pantser does no planning, they'll just start with an idea and then they'll run with it.

There's even a fusion of these two, the plantser (I think that's the spelling anyway.) This type does a little planning, but nothing too constrictive, more general guidelines, and then they're off  letting the writing take them wherever it wants.

I generally try to be a planner. I find that often, I get more done when I know what I'm aiming for. However, the path to hell is paved with good intentions, and its backfired on me multiple occasions as I've ended up being burnt out by the process and needing more flexibility and then there's the tines where I've planned...Only to then fling the idea I've done the prep for.

If you're a planner, a few things to consider.

  • You only have to do 50,000. That's just over half way through if you're idea is new. Use that information to you're advantage.
  • There is never a thing of having too much prep time.
  • Don't be hard on yourself if your plans go awry. Your plans can change on the fly if needs be. Be flexible!
If you're a pantser, consider this:
  • ...or not, since you know, you are writing this without a care in the world.
  • You'll find it easier to write, the more invested in your premise you are. Got an interesting cast of characters you want to unleash? Do it! Let them run rampant!
If you want to check out my Nanowrimo profile, click here. Next time, in our last Nanowrimo conversation, I'll go over what to do to keep your word count up high.
Till then,
Keep on writing!

Peter James Martin

Quick Links

The Strange Tales of Brennan and Riz Volume 1

The Strange Tales of Brennan and Riz Book 1: A Boy and A Rat

The Strange Tales of Brennan and Riz Volume 2

Malarkey's Imaginomnibus Volume 1

Malarkey's Imaginomnibus Volume 2

Harvey Duckman Presents Volume 13

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