Wednesday 17 May 2023

#19 Ain't It The Truth + I Might Be Mad...

 Happy Blog Day Everyone!

So you might be looking at the title with some confusion (especially if you followed the link from elsewhere as it cuts off the title at a certain point) but rest assured I'll explain in a moment as to why I think I've lost my marbles this time. Before that though...It's comic time!

The Comic Tales of Brennan and Riz

Not too happy with how this one turned out but hopefully next week's will make up for it. I should probably temper expectations that the twentieth issue won't be anything special compared to the normal fare as I'm saving that for the bigger mile stones like issue 50 (and maybe issue 25 but we'll see).

Still, I want to talk about the Comic more next week as I'm still surprised myself that it's continued this far. 

I Might Be Mad...

So originally this week was just to be a brief update on where I was, and how that scrappy short story I was working on was doing (in case you're wondering, it's currently at 4200 words, do doing well!).

Then an email popped into my inbox.

It was from the good ole folk over at Harvey Duckman Presents (aka the anthology series that Brennan and Riz publishers 6th Element put out). At first glance it seemed to be an announcement for the imminent arrival of Volume 14, which features our favourite man and rat team. Reading further though reveals the future for the series...along with submission deadlines for the next few volumes along with associated themes.

So far so good.

My schedule is already busy as my original intention was to finish the short I was working on and then go back to finish all the 3rd Brennan and Riz short story collection. All it needs is a possible 1 or 2 more stories to complete it after all, then I could jump back into War of the Fae...

That all went all out the window.

I'm not sure what part of my brain thought this was a good idea but I've decided to try and get these three short stories done at the same time. In practical terms, this means that I'm working on four stories at once, with two of them getting priority over the others due to looming deadlines. Have I done any planning on these new stories as such that it might make my life easier? Have I heck. I have a general idea for the three, but that's all. Everything else will be plucked from my brain as and when needed.

Now, it's customary for their to be a Brennan and Riz presence in the Harvey Duckman Presents stories as they've been in every single one, but things must change with the times. Out of the four stories I'm working on, only one of them will feature Brennan and Riz. Two of the four will feature them same character (start theorising who that will be!) One will be a character I've very recently spoken about. Two will be themes that Brennan and Riz just couldn't have pulled off, for reasons you'll hopefully see, and I'll explain closer to the time.

Have I given myself enough time to get these stories done? Will I add even more to my plate?

Guess you'll have to find out next time!

Till then,

Keep writing!

Peter James Martin

Quick Links

The Strange Tales of Brennan and Riz Volume 1

The Strange Tales of Brennan and Riz Book 1: A Boy and A Rat

The Strange Tales of Brennan and Riz Volume 2

Malarkey's Imaginomnibus Volume 1

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