Wednesday 3 May 2023

#17 Was That Always There?

 Happy Blog Day Everyone!

Yup, it's another brief one as I'm still mulling over the topic I want to write about, but I do have a couple of others lined up, not including the #20 issue spectacular!

Anyway, on to the comic!

The Comic Tales of Brennan and Riz

Another experiment here, the three panels forming one long scene. Did I do the best with it? No, but I'm glad I tried it, and I will undoubtedly will try it again in the future, as always, just need the right idea. 

Weekly Update

So, aside from failing to get enough words down on what I wanted to talk about, what have I been doing?

Well, for starters, I was able to turn the page on my short story work in progress, pun intended. Yes, it's still not finished, but I've actually been writing every night so far (rewriting parts, but it still counts!), I'm hopeful that I can finally finish it soon, as I've got everything where it needs to be.

Other than that, things are as they've always been, but there has been some exciting developments regarding the Harvey Duckman Presents anthologies, which means, a completely new Brennan and Riz tale. I look forward to writing about that when I'm able to as the prompt was a good one. Also, being completely mad, one of my entries for the monthly #7DayTale on Twitter (@Brennan_and_Riz) has been another experiment.

So, a quick primer. 7DayTale is a hashtag on twitter that takes place at the beginning of every month. You're given a theme, and some prompt words if you want. While I have one thread featuring Brennan and Riz, the other, is about a girl called Rose. This is already a departure of sorts as normally, this is where Gabriel comes out to play. This time, he's ceded the role to Rose, but it's fine, they're both part of the same universe anyway...but that's not important right now. What is important, is that to accompany Rose's story, I decided to draw an accompanying picture to aid the story. Sounds straight forward doesn't it? Not in practice, as I combo the story with #vss365, using the daily prompt to write that days installment. So, I have to draw the picture for a part of the story that hasn't been written yet, but will somehow fit a word that I don't know yet...Fun right?

By the time this goes live, I'll have posted the 3rd segment (at time of writing, I haven't even drawn it yet). Next week, it'll be all said and done and I'll share all the artwork (which is a generous term for them) that I created. It'll be fitting, as it will tie into what I wanted to talk about anyway...

Till next time,

Keep on writing!

Peter James Martin

Quick Links

The Strange Tales of Brennan and Riz Volume 1

The Strange Tales of Brennan and Riz Book 1: A Boy and A Rat

The Strange Tales of Brennan and Riz Volume 2

Malarkey's Imaginomnibus Volume 1

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