Wednesday 29 March 2023

#12 Only One Way to Win + Short Story Writing Continues

 Happy Blog Day Everyone!!

A brief one this week as my focus is heavily on getting projects done with little time as we head into the forthcoming Easter Holidays!

So let's get started:

The Comic Tales of Brennan and Riz

This might be my favourite comic I've done so far, and it's certainly given me ideas about what a Brennan and Riz deck of playing cards would look like...

Short Story Writing Continues

As the title suggests, I'm still cracking on with the short story I started talking about last week. I did end up restarting the story, building on from that first draft, rewriting it and bringing forth a much better story. I did hit a bit of an issue with getting motivated enough to do more writing (something that can easily occur from time to time). 

How did I overcome this? Well, truth is, I didn't. You see, something I learned over these past few years is that forcing yourself to write, rarely works out well. In my case, if I force myself to get words on the page, that's all I'm doing, putting anything down, regardless if it makes sense. Then I'd come back to it and delete the whole mess as it was of much bad quality compared to the rest of my output (which regular readers will know isn't that good anyway!). What I found that works, is simply leaning into what groove I was feeling at the time, letting that urge to write recover, with new ideas aplenty to boot. It means that stories or projects will take longer, but because I'm not rushing things out, the quality should be better, I'll be more focused on doing the best I can instead of watching the clock constantly. 

As an aside, this is also changing the way I look at Nanowrimo, but that is a subject for a completely different time...

Anyway, it was only a quick update for this week, I'll be back next time with hopefully more to tell. I've also got a guest blog post to try and write at some point!

Till then,

Keep on writing.

Peter James Martin

Quick links:

The Strange Tales of Brennan and Riz Volume 1

The Strange Tales of Brennan and Riz Book 1: A Boy and A Rat

The Strange Tales of Brennan and Riz Volume 2

Malarkey's Imaginomnibus Volume 1

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