Wednesday, 26 February 2025
#112 Dear Diary II + Short Diversions: Phantom Dawn Chapter 3
Wednesday, 19 February 2025
#111 Dear Diary + Update
Wednesday, 12 February 2025
#110 Perfect Gift? + Short Diversions: Phantom Dawn Chapter 2
Happy Blog Day Everyone!
Today we have the newest chapter of Phantom Dawn for your reading pleasure, along with a very good update for both Daemon Soul Awakening and my writing challenge, but first do you hear that? Sounds like love is in the air for our favourite duo! Guess it must be Valentines this week!
The Comic Tales of Brennan and Riz
Yes, as is tradition, here's this years Valentines strip, though I must admit, I had no idea what happened in that first panel. Brennan’s face has been off model before but never quite to that extent. The rest of it I'm quite happy with, for once. This is Luna's second appearance in the strip, following her first the very first Valentines strip two years ago! Not that her fur has gone lighter over the years...
Really need to use her more often!
Update on Daemon Soul Awakening and Writing Challenge
Okay, the editor sent me back the final chapters the other day, meaning...the editing work is done! Well, not quite as there's a couple of other changes to make. Also have to write a new bio and acknowledgements but the whole project finally feels real. It'll seem like a daft thing to say, but when I first signed the contract, it felt unreal. Like I was expecting it to fall through at any point. Knowing that in scant weeks I'll have the book in my's a powerful boost.
That boost must have also rubbed off on my writing challenge as Avalon is currently sitting on over 76k words, leaving only 13-14k left till I reach the 90k goal I set myself. It is looking increasingly likely though that things aren't going to be finished. I was prepared for that though, the current chapters I'm working on are proving to be a slog and a word sink. Nearing the end of this section, so hopefully I can pick things up at the end. Already know which parts are getting cut once I enter the next phase.
Short Diversions: Phantom Dawn- Memories of a Rose Chapter 2
Last time on Phantom Dawn, the red haired girl had woken up in a strange place and met Neal, an old traveller who stopped to take care of her after she fell from an opening in the sky. The girl found a rose nearby which triggered a memory in her, then promptly passed out again. What will happen this time? Read on to find out!
Phantom Dawn Chapter Index
Chapter 2: The Phantom Dawn
For the second time after she’d made arrival on…Wherever it was, the red haired girl had woken in a daze. The old man she had met, Neal, was sat next to her, stroking the flames of a small fire. She hadn't even realised yet that it was night time now, the sky having gotten darker than black.
“I see you're awake again,” Neal said, turning to her. “Are you hungry? I don't have much, but I can share what I do have.”
The red haired girl looked down at her own hands, noticing the rose that was lying next to her from where she dropped it earlier. She had to ask herself if she was hungry, or if that was a different sensation calling for her attention. She placed her hands on her stomach, as if trying to gauge her level of hunger, before responding to what Neal had actually said.
“If you can and don’t mind. If there’s only enough for you, don’t worry about it.”
“In this place, the young need to be fit and healthy. Even if I had to go without, I’d still give you some. Do you remember anything else about yourself? Like your name?” Neal asked, as he took some rations out of his bag, bits of food that he’d been able to scavenge.
“No…” The girl shook her head sadly. “I can’t remember my name, where I’m from, what I’m supposed to do…I don’t even know if I’ve left anyone behind or if I’ve always been alone,” she hugged her knees, tears forming in her eyes.
Neal didn’t know what to say to comfort her. He didn’t have any answers for her either. People had always considered him a sage-like figure, offering advice but here, it wasn’t any use. None of his experiences could offer her any solace, there were no kind words he could even offer.
“I’m sorry,” he finally said. “I wish I knew how to help, but…” he trailed off. He didn’t even know how to end that sentence.
“It’s okay. I’m sorry that I had to disturb you…What were you doing, if I may ask?” the girl inquired, there was a natural inquisitiveness to her eyes, and it reminded Neal of someone else.
“I was travelling home, or what accounts for home, after completing a job,” he explained. “Truth be told, I wasn’t expecting it to take this long!” He let out a little laugh.
“Job?” the red haired girl looked around with a confused look on her face. “What kind of job would you be doing out here?”
Neal stiffied his laughter, and let out a heavy sigh, as though something was weighing him down.
“To answer that truthfully, I would have to explain a lot more about this place you’ve fallen into, and honestly, I wouldn’t want to upset you with it. For now, I’ll just say that I help people that need the most help. I know these lands well enough, I know the best passages to safety.”
“Safety? Why would people need safety? Are we not safe out here?” the girl titled her head slightly, wanting to make sense of everything that Neal was saying, and implying.
“Well..” Neal looked hesitantly to the sky. That was the other thing he hadn’t told her yet. To everyone who lived in those lands, it was as natural as the cloud filled sky, but to someone who had never witnessed it before, how could it be discussed? How would he begin to describe it? Deep down, he knew he didn't need to say anything. On staying with her, he'd doomed his chances at getting to safety before it all kicked off, but he wasn't about to leave her alone, at the mercy of the element and the monsters that were lurking close by.
As if reading his thoughts, the sky made an ominous sound, like breaking glass. It was quiet at first but slowly grew louder and inescapable.
“What's that noise?” The red haired girl asked.
Neal hung his head, he knew he should have said something earlier.
The red haired girl found her eyes drawn to a point in the sky, surprising Neal who couldn't see anything yet, as was usual, the visual event came after the noise, in a random spot every time. The girl kept on staring, as the noise grew till her persistence paid off, and a crack appeared in the sky. The crack took the form of a slight curve, and from its ends came more cracks that shot out in the shape of a circle, the ends meeting at the direct opposite point from the first one. It hung in the air, the noise having ceased, till everything in the circle shattered. The pieces falling out but breaking up into gossamer before touching the ground. In its place was a giant pale clouded eye that stared outwards, til it faded away, leaving a transparent glowing orb that gave the illusion of the breaking dawn. Its eerie light casting new and twisted shadows.
“What…What is that?” the girl asked with a stammer.
“I don't know who named it, but it's called the Phantom Dawn. It's been occurring for as long as I can remember, and perhaps even longer than that. They say it first appeared the time when the world became like this, a nightmare we’re all trapped in,” Neal explained with a sad tone.
The red haired girl looked around again, noticing the lack of life in the wasteland, the only things growing were hardy.
“We have to be careful now,” Neal continued. “The Phantom Dawn affects a lot more than just how things look around here.”
“What do you mean?” the red haired girl asked hesitantly.
Neal’s eyes nervously wandered around the landscape, till a slight tremour seemed to confirm his worst suspicions. He quickly got up, and stomped out the fire, grabbing his belongings.
“We have to go now!” He said, his tone was as commanding a voice as he could muster.
The red haired girl got to her feet, though a bit shaky. She checked to see if the rose was still in her grasp and placed it in her pocket, hoping it would be secure there.
“What's going on?” she asked in a blind panic, all of the events confusing her more than she already was.
“I said the Phantom Dawn affected more l, didn't I? Unfortunately, one of the things it affects is about to appear! We have to start running!” Neal turned to run, but the ground behind them broke open, sending debris everywhere. He looked backwards in horror as a large shape emerged from a hole in the ground.
At first, the red haired girl thought it looked like a lizard, but standing on two powerful legs, its forearms were constantly flexing, grabbing the thin air with vicious sharp claws. It’s long tail whipping around. It’s elongated snout covered in little armour plates, while two beady clouded over eyes bulged out of their sockets. The creature was larger than both Neal and the girl. It started charging towards them, and acting fast, Neal grabbed the girl’s arm, and began to drag her away, knowing it was going to be a futile effort…
Well, that's all for this week!
There will probably be a two week wait for Chapter 3, which will be the end of this little arc. Not sure what I'll waffle on about next week, but I'm sure I'll figure something out.
Till then...
Keep on writing!
Peter James Martin
Quick Links
Malarkey's Imaginomnibus Volume 1
Malarkey's Imaginomnibus Fade to Noir
Tuesday, 4 February 2025
#109 What's in a Name? + update February 5th
Happy Blog Day Everyone!
A quick update today, was almost tempted to get another chapter of Phantom Dawn done but decided against it as I've got a lot to get done and decreasing time to do it in! You know who else has a lot on his plate? Let's see what Riz is dealing with!
The Comic Tales of Brennan and Riz
Is this final part of Riz’s band shenanigans? Or will I be able to work it into the Valentines fun next week? Let's wait and see shall we!
Not much else to say about this one, other than I wish I could think of better band names!
Update 5th February 2025
As said above, had I not had other things to work on (we'll talk about my work in progress in a moment), you would have been reading Phantom Dawn Chapter 2 right now. It is coming along quite nicely however. As stated last week, these first three chapters forms an introduction of sorts, and chapter 2 specifically introduces the reason why the story bears the name Phantom Dawn. A name I've had in my back pocket since 2006. Yes, that long.
Other than that, I've been continuing with Avalon, and I'm happy to say we're now under 20k and dropping. Sadly the last few days haven’t been that productive for me, but I'm hoping I can catch up. I've also got plenty of notes for when the draft is finished, namely that the chapters I'm currently writing...Will get nuked. You can argue it's a waste of effort on my part, but if I was to rewrite now, I may not make my writing challenge. This is par for the course for me, I have to admit, I've done similar things going back to the very first draft of Daemon Soul Awakening in 2005-2007.
Speaking of that story (neat little segue there I think you'll find!) Daemon Soul Awakening has only one chapter left for the editor to run through with her word scissors. We're getting really close now to release and then it may finally feel real, that a book that I first started writing all those years ago, will be out for everyone to read (or judge, definitely a fear of that!). There is still some tasks to do mind, one that requires me to get my drawing pencils out for something that isn't Brennan and Riz related. I'm super nervous about how that'll turn out! Still, I'm excited to get it out there, and even more excited to finish the rest of the series.
It'll be fun to see if people still gravitate towards the same character as my original beta readers all those years ago.
Till next time,
Keep on writing!
Peter James Martin
Quick Links
Malarkey's Imaginomnibus Volume 1
Malarkey's Imaginomnibus Fade to Noir
Malarkey's Imaginomnibus Hubble Bubble
Malarkey's Imaginomnibus Ominous Orbs