Wednesday, 19 February 2025

#111 Dear Diary + Update

Happy Blog Day Everyone

Work continues apace on Chapter 3 of Phantom Dawn so you'll have to make do with an update on things (I know you love them so). To sweeten the deal, there is a new Brennan and Riz comic to hopefully tide you over!

The Comic Tales of Brennan and Riz

Not going to lie, I took it to the wire to figure out what this comic was going to be about. I think I just about made it work but definitely won't be doing that again!

That being said, the format works here and I think with further refinement it might actually be funny. Maybe I could do a second part next week focusing on Brennan’s diary. A third part writes itself with Riz reading that entry!

Update and a picture!

So, I'm running out of days in February it seems, with the end rapidly approaching. On the plus side, I've got less than 8000 words left till I hit my 90000 goal. The downside is the story looks to be no where near completed. I'm in the final stretch no doubt, but definitely not doable in what I've got left! I'm also noting some common issues I keep running into (especially if I'm writing late into the night) and that is I'm a meandering writer, I can see that I need to write in a straight line but instead, I seem to be do anything but, finding the longest way to get anywhere. Like for instance, at the current moment, our heroes Cypher and Serena (more on her later) are trying to get somewhere urgently but the path is blocked by demons, swarms of demons. What I should have done was expedite proceedings to get them where they had to be. Not like there wasn't more action planned when they got to their destination. Did I do this though? No, I got bogged down, hard. I escalate the demons designs, culminating in demons that looked like tanks with legs. Then dragged out fight scenes because I have no self-restraint. Editing is going to be where the real fight with this book is going to be.

In other news, I now have a provisional release date for Daemon Soul Awakening.  Not sure if I can share it, but its close, I've also seen the cover now...because I designed the biggest element of it!

I thought I'd left my digital colouring days in the past because of equipment issues (the issue being I had no equipment) this changed Saturday night when I found an app for my phone (that was free, super important that part) that seemed to do everything my old setup seemed to do (minus masks but I can make do without for now) and I came across a random stylus. Thus I made a triumphant return to the medium, though my skills are middling at best. I can't show you the coved art just yet but I can show you the one I completed today:


For illustration purposes, heres the sketch it started life as:

Told you there would be more about Serena later. Looking back at it though, I did mess up the line art slightly on her head but, I can do better next time. It's been odd doing this on my phone of all things but fun.

Anyway, that's all for this week, Phantom Dawn Chapter 3 will be ready for your consumption next time, so till then.

Keep on writing!

Peter James Martin

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