Wednesday 28 August 2024

#86 Riz the D.M. + Short Diversions: The Blue Scarf of Whitby

Happy Blog Day Everyone!

It's short story time once again, and Brennan and Riz are returning for another short look into their crazy world! We've also got their comic shenanigans to deal with, so let's start there!

The Comic Tales of Brennan and Riz

Note the "I" in the title? Yeah this is going to be a multipart thread...Yes, I am aware of what I said a few weeks ago but at the same time, I couldn't pass it up. This will be either three or four parts, depends on how many jokes I can squeeze out of it. Technically this will be the second time I've done a Dungeons and Dragons related story thread, with the first being part of my pandemic blues story.

Short Diversions: The Blue Scarf of Whitby

Here's Brennan and Riz's 2nd appearance within Short Diversions and I've plucked another tale from the master list of ideas. I had been saving it for a longer piece but couldn't quite fit it into anything at the moment. I may expand on it later (add more characters, flesh things out more etc...) but at least it'll be done in some form or another.

The folklore behind this piece isn't long, being about a paragraph in length, but I'm not going to talk about that now, as that'll spoil things! 

Please enjoy the following tale.


The Blue Scarf of Whitby

“Gawd! I’m bored!” Riz yelled, causing me to punch my pocket. It was the tenth time he’d complained as such and that was nine times too many. We were in Whitby, for a job that never materialised. I didn’t see any sense in heading back too soon so went for a wander around the shops. Riz objected of course, wanting me back in the office and searching for a job that would actually pay. In truth, his attitude was making me want to stay longer.

“A few more shops,” I whispered, joining the large crowd of people watching as the bridge opened up, with boats passing through.gracefully. I had eyes on going up to the abbey, and actually enjoying some time up there where I wouldn’t be fighting for my life. I’m owed that much, aren't I?

“Oh, come on! Ya mite blame me fer da job screw up, but let’s jus go home already!” Riz continued to plead, but I continued to ignore him. A nice day was meant to be enjoyed. Our little jaunt brought me to a little curiosity shop nestled snugly down one of the side alleys off the main road. Little was the right word it turned out, as the shop was tiny, barely big enough for three people, which was lucky as it was only me and the cashier there. Sensing it was quiet, Riz poked his head out of my pocket, giving the place a good sniff.

“Dis place smells odd,” he said as he started directing his nose all around the shop. The cashier hadn’t noticed yet, so I plonked Riz down on a low shelf to keep it that way.

“Right, I’m going to have a look around, don’t touch anything and stay out of sight. I’ll just be a minute.” As you can already guess, these were famous last words for me. With new found freedom, Riz darted off amidst the bricker brack, giving everything the once over. Now the cashier seemed to notice me:

“Why, hello there!” he said with unexpected quirkiness. “Come for anything in particular today?”

“I’m just browsing thanks,” I replied. I wasn’t trying to be rude, I just wasn’t in much of a mood for small talk. My response seemed to be a challenge to the cashier as he doubled down on his attempt to make conversation.

“Oh, you look like someone who has the world on his back, maybe you could do with some calming stones? Got them just last week,” he pointed to a statue of a buddha next to me, it’s outstretched palm holding two jade circular stones that glinted in the sunlight beautifully.

“No thanks, last time I tried anything like that, they were ground down to powder in a few days.”

“Very stressful life then?”

“You have no idea.” 

“Hmm…I have other treasures you might be interested in.” There it was, the word that I wished had never been uttered. I didn’t need to see Riz to know that he would’ve heard it, a grin creeping across his face the whole time.

“Treasures? You mean, sentimental right? Nothing properly valuable?” I tried to discreetly look around for the rat, hoping that his never ending quest for treasure wouldn’t lead to any breakages that I would have to pay for.

“Of both kinds, depending on your point of view. Like that blue scarf up there, hanging on that doll.”

I cast my eyes up to where the cashier was directing me, and saw the scarf. It was a dark blue with an attached brooch. From what I could tell, it seemed to have gold stitchings running down its length and it did look like it would make a pretty gift for Valarie, if she cared about such things.

“Got quite the story about that scarf, I find that the more history an item has, the more valuable and precious it becomes. When it was first made, by the hands of some talented seamstress no doubt, it was one of many, but now? Now it’s practically one of a kind! A string of owners, strange circumstances surrounding each one as well…”

If the guy was wanting to get me more interested, he succeeded, that damn cocktail of strange circumstances. This was my undoing as I became distracted, and as such, didn’t notice a rat making his way up to the scarf. God knows what drew him to it, though it was probably the jewel in the brooch that was bigger than his head, and the gold stitchings.

“What do you mean by strange circumstances?” I inquired, oblivious to what was happening just next to me.

“Interested in it now are you? I must warn you, you should never wear it…” the cashier leaned in, probably thinking he was going to get a sale.

Before he could explain more though, we both turned our heads at the sound of a crash, as the dummy that once bore the scarf came crashing down.

“What on earth?” the cashier gasped. “Where’s the scarf?”

I noticed the scarf trailing out of the door, and before it disappeared, I caught a glimpse of the rat wearing it.

“A rat took the scarf,” I pointed at the door.

“The little thief! It has to be paid for first!” the cashier shook his fist.

“What happens if someone wears it? I asked quickly.


“You said that I should never wear it, so what happens if someone does wear it?”

“Everyone who has worn it, has thrown themselves off Whitby Cliffs near the whale’s jawbone. Will probably be lost forever when the rat chucks itself off,” the cashier mused sadly. “One of my best talking pieces that was.”

“I’m going to get it back!” I shouted, and a second later, I was out on the street. Knowing where Riz’s final destination was to be gave me a slight advantage as I didn’t have to waste time looking for him straight away. I just had to get up there first. As I ran over the bridge, I overheard snippets of conversations, each one talking about the rat running off with a scarf, and how oddly it was walking, as if it was drunk. This was my second advantage, as it meant he was impaired by some process. I had a chance to save him, and I was taking it.

Once I was across the bridge I looked up to where I needed to be, and allowed my eyes to drift downward to the ground, wanting to see if I could snatch a sight of the scarf that was running away. Took me a moment for my focus to solidify as I Riz scurrying along, people giving him a wide berth. I held back from shouting out, it wouldn’t have done much aside from make me look like a crazy person. Then again, I was chasing a scarf wearing rat through the crowded streets of Whitby, so guess it was too late for that. I duly went after the rat again excusing my way past people as the crowds got inexplicably thicker. The next time I caught a glimpse of Riz, it was as he turned the corner of the road, and started uphill. I wasn’t that far behind him now. I was feeling pretty lucky that my job involved me regularly running around so much. I broke free out of the crowd and made up the hill, getting a few odd looks for my troubles. My progress was worth it though, as unlike before, Riz was firmly in my sights, and I was gaining on him, inch by inch. It was good timing, as ahead of me, I spotted the jawbones. I pushed myself more and more, till I had my best shot. I leapt with my arm outstretched. At first, I thought it had been in vain, as Riz seemed to speed up, his little rat legs getting some kind of boost. This led to him escaping my fingers, what doesn’t though, is the scarf itself, and I pulled it as hard as I could. I felt a resistance, as if the scarf itself wasn’t wanting to be parted from Riz, but between the rat’s forward movement and me, it wouldn’t last.

The scarf escaped Riz’s grasp and it sent him flying near the cliff’s edge while I held it at arm’s length, remembering that I shouldn’t wear it. Oddly, I thought I heard a woman’s voice, like a far off call. I couldn’t make out fully what she was saying but there was a  temptation there, to put the scarf on for myself, and maybe then, I could hear what she was saying, what she wanted to tell me. Before I knew it, I had retracted my arm, bringing the scarf close to my neck, my fingers running over the brooch, and I was about to put it on, till a pair of sharp teeth sank into my leg.

“Dat waz fer almost knockin me off da bloody cliff ya frickin twat! Be more careful next time ya twazzock!”

That sharp jolt of pain was enough to bring me out of the trance, the woman’s voice retreating back into the scarf.

“Oh…OH! What the hell did you bite me for!” I shouted, trying to kick the rat off my leg.

“I’m fukin not repeatin maself. Nd put dat stupid scarf down, or ya gunna take a long walk off a short cliff!”

“What are you talking about?” I asked.

“Dat gawdamn scarf is wat I’m talkin bout! Keep it at arms length! Sum clever dick put a curse on it!”

“A curse?”

“Aye, an old one at dat, must be at least two hundred years old, maybe a teensy bit olda.”

“Why would anyone curse a scarf?”

“Petty revenge? I mean, all my crap is cursed so if neone takes it den dey’re gunna ave a bad time.”

“Alice takes your stuff all the time.”

“Well, she’s different! We’re gettin off topic neway…Dis scarf is cursed, wear it, nd ya die.” 

“Guess that’s why the shop keeper had it on such a high shelf.”

“He could ave fukin put a sign up sayin it waz cursed!”

“You wouldn’t have listened anyway!” I started walking back down the hill, the scarf as far away as I could manage, but even then, I was still feeling a tug at my consciousness, an urge to wear it.

“How embarrassin, u breath a wurd of dis ta neone, nd I’m gunna bite ya sumwhere a hundred times worse next time, ya hear me?” Riz wagged his little finger at me, and then crawled into my pocket, having had enough of being a public spectacle for one day. 

A short while later, I had returned the scarf to the shop, not bothering to hand it to the cashier directly, I placed it back on the mannequin that had fallen, and then put it back to its position on the shelf. The cashier didn’t say a word to me as I did this, just watching and waiting with the eagerness of a child wanting to hear their favourite story.

“Well?” he finally asked as I turned to him.

“Well? Well what?” I returned the question, unsure of what he was asking me.

“What happened? Were you too late to save the rodent?”

“Unfortunately not.” I got bitten on my side for that comment.

“Ah, so the scarf wasn’t able to grow its tally? Maybe I should buy a glass box for it,” the cashier mused as he looked up at the scarf that simply sat there. “It’s funny isn’t it, how something so mundane can affect things more important than itself. It just sits there, as the world moves around it, yet things keep happening all the same. Maybe a bit like you?” the shop keeper said, turning to me with a raised eyebrow. Even Riz stopped what he was doing in my pocket to take notice of that.

“And what do you mean by that!” I stressed the last part and took a step back, but the cashier just gave a jovial laugh.

“I meant no harm, it’s just an observation, one that might be true of many people around here. We all affect things in our little ways, even if it’s not noticeable at first. No reason to get defensive!” 

“Right…” I replied, still suspicious.

“Oh well, I’m going to close up early today, so if you don’t mind leaving so I can get cleaned up,” the cashier smiled gently.

“We should be going anyway,” I said heading out of the door. “However, you need to be careful with that Scarf. Lock it up, keep it out of sight, whatever. Just, make sure it doesn’t hurt anyone else.”

“Don’t worry Mr Brennan, I’ll make sure it won’t hurt anyone else, and do tell Riz that blue isn’t his colour! You two always keep me amused!”

“How did-” I couldn’t finish the sentence before I found myself outside the shop, the door locked tight.

“Who waz dat guy!” Riz asked, sticking his head out of my pocket.

I didn’t have an answer for him, how could I? I doubted that this would be the last time we’d see that cashier, however, I just had to hope that he was on our side…


So, the folklore for this one starts with a man giving his lady love a Scarf that he, uhh, "acquired" it (he was a pirate), in a hotel on top of cliffs in Whitby. The woman admires its luxurious nature and never questions how the man got it. Then, while looking in the mirror, she starts screaming and runs out of the building, and straight off the cliff. It was said that she was driven insane by the scarfs previous owners last moments, a way to get even beyond the grave.

As you can see, there's not a lot to it really which meant I was going to add a lot to fit it into a short story...Which proved difficult at first, hence why I languished turning it into a proper short. 

There was one element that only really got added to the end of the story, and it should be clear what (or should I say, who) that is. Yes, originally I was going to avoid the cliche of the cashier having some sort of knowledge of what was really going on, other than knowing a little about the legend, but words have a way of going in the direction they want to go, and thus, a new character is born. Of course, being in a blog only story doesn't mean much, so, I'll have to work on him further, identify who he really is, and then we'll see where we end up, exciting times right?

That's it for now, join me next week where I take a look at everything I written in August.

Till then,,,

Keep on writing!

Peter James Martin

Quick Links

The Strange Tales of Brennan and Riz Volume 1

The Strange Tales of Brennan and Riz Book 1: A Boy and Rat

The Strange Tales of Brennan and Riz Volume 2

Malarkey's Imaginomnibus Volume 1

Malarkey's Imaginomnibus Fade to Noir

Malarkey's Imaginomnibus Hubble Bubble

Wednesday 21 August 2024

#85 Explains a Lot + Brennan and Riz Update!

Happy Blog Day Everyone!

A good update for Brennan and Riz today, one that I'll explain in a little bit. Speaking of that duo, let's see what they're getting up to in the Comic Tales of Brennan and Riz!

The Comic Tales of Brennan and Riz

Nice bit of retro goodness this week though it probably won't have much meaning outside of my experiences! Riz making a coin guzzler should be expected out of course, the eighties were rife with hard as nails games that only existed to squeeze more money from you.

You were probably wondering what he's playing on, and that is an excellent question! The answer would have been in panel 1, but I didn't like how it turned out went. It was to be a homage to the Mega Drive (Genesis if you're American). Clearly it wasn't meant to be.

Brennan and Riz Update

Fantastic news here. Since I broke the news about the rights of the Brennan and Riz books returning to me back in April/May, ive been waiting for my ex-publisher to send over the documents I needed to re-publish them under my name. Well, after months of waiting, I finally got them.

My next goal is to get KDP set up so the ex-publisher can delist the books from their end. When this will happen however (giving me the headache of having to go back and sort out the booklink links). The Yeti Story will sadly disappear (for now) as for now, they have not sent me the files for that one...which I need for Volume 3 grrrr.

Still one step closer to the switch over, and with it, the experience of the process I need to duplicate for Volume 3, then who knows where it'll go from there?

Of course, I've got a fair few stories that need editing...and I need to do a new cover to match the others....Might have more to do than I thought!

That'll be all for this week.

Join me next time for some more short story goodness, till then...

Keep on writing!

Peter James Martin

Quick Links

Wednesday 14 August 2024

#84 Let's Not Do That + Short Diversions: Fractured Shadows

Happy Blog Day Everyone!

It's new short story time but before we see what funny hijinks that jolly old fellow Void is up to (heavy sarcasm there! Though he does enjoy his work), we should probably check in with the hijinks of Brennan and Riz...Do I hear the sound of lawyers approaching?

The Comic Tales of Brennan and Riz

With all due respect to Charles M. Schulz of course. The genesis of this comic started with a conversation with my father and my son. It'd started, oddly enough, with a discussion about fighter planes in WW1, my son piped up about hearing of someone called the Red Baron. From there I mentioned the song about him (this song). Of course, anyone who's heard the song before will know that it's a stealth peanuts song as it mentions a pilot with "a funny looking nose" before talking about Snoopy by name. The song is ostensibly about Snoopy and his pastime of hunting down the infamous German flying Ace aboard his trusty doghouse...which makes an appearance in this strip of course.

This is technically the second time I've done a Peanuts reference in the Comic strip with the first being a nod to Snoopy's common opening paragraph when starting a new story (as seen here).

Brennan is taking a logical approach to Riz’s antics here I find!

Daemon Soul Update

First two chapters have been edited so we're off to a good start. Still a long way to go though. Means plenty of time to get cracking on that sequel!

Short Diversions: Fractured Shadows

Today's Short Diversions is all about Void...well, not exactly. Aside from name dropping a few of the other Shadows (including one yet to make a full appearance) it's also the introduction of Malakai, a rarely written character but one of first (along with Void, Reina and another one called Hera) to get designed. I would share the picture but I don't currently know where the sketch book is that houses it.

Enjoy the story!


Fractured Shadows

     The atmosphere would have seemed suffocating if Void hadn’t been used to it, the dimension Gabriel called his home away from home had never been welcoming, with rumours amongst the demons birthed there calling the place the carcass of one of the dark gods. There was no corrections made to them. Void though, didn’t care. He never did. This place was simply a place to him, somewhere transient that would do till he went elsewhere. The person he was dragging behind him however, may have had different thoughts, if they could stop screaming long enough to process them fully. Void had picked him up on one of his many jaunts, and he forgot which one exactly. He tortured the human when the mood struck him, healed them when they were near death and then repeated the process all over again. There was no cure for boredom however, and it didn’t take long for Void to tire of his toy, and that was what led to this, him dragging it down the forsaken corridor, heading to the perfect spot to dispose of it. 

     His route wasn’t without onlookers however, as many of Gabriel’s created demons were active, doing different tasks their master demanded of them, knowing that the price of failure was worse then what Void’s ‘toy’ was about to receive. As Void passed them, they bowed their heads to his eminence, even if he wasn’t one of Gabriel’s Shadows, the elite of the elite, Void would have expected their respect and obedience all the same. One time, one of the demons had dared to look at Void’s face, at their own features staring back at them from the Shadow’s pearlescent mask. Any satisfaction they got from that was short lived as they certainly never made that mistake, or any mistake again. After basking in every demon’s fear for a moment, Void left them to cower in his wake, still dragging his screaming victim all the same, the screaming which got drowned out at one point when he passed Viola’s territory.

     Being a generous master, Gabriel had bequeathed vast areas of his dimension to his Shadows for their private use, and if he could help it, Void stayed away from most of them, only venturing into their realms when his ‘master’ demanded it, making him micro-manage them in their given tasks. Void also secretly proposed that Gabriel had put him in the farthest reaches of the dimension on purpose, forcing him to travel through or near the other Shadows whenever he wanted to dump one of his ‘toys’, broken or not. If the old ways still proved strong, and the situations reversed, Void figured he might have done the same, but it still angered him. Things weren’t always like this, and Void often thought of himself as lesser because of it, though a lesser being that still stood atop everyone else. That had been the promise Gabriel had made to him on that dark day and the only reason he tolerated the way he lived. Though, his indiscriminate acts of violence did help, that was the only thing that made him feel after all.

     Still moving forward, Void looked around, wary of any appearance Viola might make, as she had an annoying habit of appearing when he didn’t want to be bothered most, the screams that were echoing loudly did give the impression that she had more important things to do luckily for him. Within another moment, he was away from the child scientist's area, back into the neutral ground where no one Shadow held sway. There were supposed to have been thirteen Shadows in total, but only twelve resided here. The thirteenth having been put beyond their reach for now, much to Void's disappointment, and her replacement didn't last long. Out of his fellow shadows, Void barely got on with a handful of them. The two he got on with most were the twins Dagger and Haze, the two Shadows classified as Void’s daughters, owing to the way they were created. There was an insidious irony that undercut their creation and it was one of the few things Void loved, knowing how much it hurt what remained of his host body’s will. Of course, there was no real affection there for them, as they often found out when they had failed at a given task.

     Normally, he would be cautious when going near Venus's den, a sprawling shrine she'd manufactured for Gabriel. She was the most loyal, and definitely most infatuated, of the Shadows but in a way, most childish. Void hated having to work with her and was glad when Gabriel used her affection to his advantage, turning her into a hit woman, for when stealth was needed. This was such a time, so Void was free to drag the body without getting hassled, he just had to ignore the imagery that adorned the hallways.

     Truth be told though, she wasn't the absolute worst he hated being partnered up with, no that honour belonged to the man who stood blocking Void access to the abyss.

     “Malakai…” Void hissed. “To what do I owe the pleasure?” 

     Malakai stood unmoved, he was a tall, lean, man. At first glance you might have been forgiven for thinking that he lacked the strength of his fellow shadows, but looks can be deceiving. He stood with his arms crossed, and head bowed. His remaining eye fixed on Void. Machinery twitched where it's opposite should have been. Still, he didn't respond to Void, but he didn't move either.

     “Is this your new job, lap dog? Guarding the masters doorways till he returns?”

     Malakai moved to a standing position, forming a halberd into his waiting hand. He cut the air with it, moving the massive weapon with ease, before pointing it at Void.

     “I serve how I should but I am no lap dog. Long have I witnessed you taking your indulgences. Our deeds may be dark, but they are necessary to make a better world, what you do is wanton destruction and carnage,” Malakai stated. “Did master Gabriel order the death of that man?” 

     Void looked down at the rubbish he was disposing of, the body had gone quiet. He would have hated it if the sod had died before he could have been thrown out. Everlasting torment was far more gratifying to inflict.

     “No, he didn't but he doesn't stop me from having my toys. Unlike you, I still like to have fun.”

     “Fun? Where is your honour? You never engage in fair fights.”

     “There's nothing to be gained with a fair fight. All that matters is that I stand and they fall.”

     “...And where did that get you in capturing her? You can blame the twins all you want but your ‘tactics’ if they can be called that, failed you there.”

     As soon as those words left Malakai's mouth, Void launched several black tendrils at him, his eyes fixated with rage. In response, Malakai swept his halberd round, cleaving them in half, while also stepping back to avoid the others.

     “Did I say something wrong? I merely stated the truth. You engage in unnecessary behaviour and it accomplishes nothing. You harm people who have absolutely nothing to do with anything!”

     “Do you rage against the other Shadows for their fun, or is it just me who gets the special treatment? Should I feel honoured?” Void laughed, as more black tendrils shot out for the attack.

     “I'm disgusted with all of you in equal measure! I have no idea why master Gabriel doesn't step in and curb your dangerous behaviour, otherwise it'll be his, and our, undoing.” Malakai defended again, using the least amount of movement needed to protect himself, but did find himself moving backwards.

     “Out of all of us, you are the one I get the least,” Void mused, letting his mask hide the amusement he was feeling. “We are Shadows! Beings Gabriel has amassed to further his own ambitions! The most evil of evil, the cursed of the cursed! Yet, you talk of honour, of only doing what is necessary…how much blood is on your hands exactly?”

     “Only what is required to accomplish the task given to me. I take no joy in doing so, but I owe my existence to Gabriel so will do what is asked. I'm not a sadist like you, however. All those I kill are given as fair a chance as I can offer, and they are the only ones who die.”

     “And that is the crap I'm talking about! Honour? Fair chance? Give me a break! As for not taking joy? I always pegged you for a boring jackass.”

     “I don't care what you think. You are a mass murdering monster with a thought process of a child. You'll never understand what goes through my head,” Malakai got himself into a combat stance.

     “Oh, I think I understand just fine. You define yourself by honour because that's all you think you have. You are empty otherwise. You cling to that like everyone else clings to their manic behaviour like Viola and her constant experiments or Venus with her obsession,” Void laughed. “You act like your above us, better than us!”

     “No…I don't! I am merely living by my own code.”

     “So am I, mine just happens to be more fun…” Void advanced, a multitude of black tendrils appeared from him, drowning out the light.

     “I'm not afraid of you, Void.”

     “If you knew what I was, then you would be terrified.”

     “I do know what you are. Master Gabriel told me early on. Doesn't change anything.”

     “Of course it doesn't. I've killed many a person as stupid as you. It gets boring after a while. You act all pious till the gulf in powers become apparent, and believe me, your power is insignificant compared to what I can really do. Want to see?” Void parted the cloak he swathed himself in, allowing one of his hands to be seen and Malakai had to make a split-second decision. 

     He knew that Void’s fighting style was based on what he could do while his body was hidden, attacking with the tendrils. He'd never seen Void actually fight with his proper body, so he had to take extreme care of any eventual surprises.

     An opening appeared in Void’s cloak as it started to look like he was pulling his arm free of the outer Layer that stuck to it like oil. Malakai felt the atmosphere change immediately, becoming more oppressive than it already was. He knew he had but one chance to react, but before he could, a voice rang out, stopping him and Void in their tracks.

     “Now, now boys. I thought you were all friends here!” Gabriel appeared, emerging from the wall so that he stood between the two Shadows. “Is this how bad morale has fallen? Clearly I need to do some team building!” He laughed as Void let his cloak completely coved his arm again.

     “Master…” Void started to say. “I was simply cleaning up when Malakai here refused to let me pass.”

     “And you thought the best way to resolve this was to start unleashing your power, something I directly told you not to do until I said so, I might add,” Gabriel smirked while wagging his finger. Void rolled his eyes till they also ripped free from his skull.

     “Now…Malakai,” Gabriel said, turning to the other Shadow. “What were you looking to gain by provoking Void? All this because he wanted to clean up?”

     “It was a difference in ideologies,” Malakai stated. “I simply believe that if we kept to the task at hand, avoided any unnecessary deaths-”

     “So you're second guessing my decisions?” Gabriel replied bluntly. “Well, isn't that charming?” The Demon Merchant started walking towards Malakai and placed a hand on the shadow's halberd, easily forcing it down. Unnerved, the Shadow stepped back, while Void watched on, visibly amused.

     “No! I'm not second guessing you, Master. We are wasting time and energy on little more than torture and massacres! There is no reason for any of us to do such things!”

     “Has it ever occurred to you that there may be, in fact, a reason for me allowing the other Shadows to indulge in their pleasures? Maybe I allow them their fun for a purpose that isn't inherently clear? You'd have to trust me if that was the case. Maybe that is the issue though, maybe you don't trust me, after everything I've done for you…”

     “Done to me…” Malakai corrected. “You are asking me to trust you that Void inflicting misery needlessly is somehow part of your grand plan?”

     Gabriel was right next to Malakai now, close enough to place a hand on his shoulder, which immediately made the shadow feel cold and threatened.

     “As I said, you'll have to trust me. You once promised me that you'd serve me till the end of all. Is that no longer the case? Are we not friends?”

     Void waa trying his hardest not to laugh.

     “I did promise that, and I plan to uphold it, but if we are truly friends like you imply then will you please listen to reason!” Malakai argued, even though his words lost a lot of strength behind them.

     “Malakai…Go back to your room. Relax. I think we're all done here aren't we,” Gabriel's words hung in the air like the threat they were. 

     Despite having more to say, Malakai backed off, adhering to Gabriel’s wisdom, even if he didn't agree with it. One moment, he was there, the next, gone.

     “Void? I have to wonder why you didn't just take the other route to get rid of the body,” Gabriel mused openly.

     “That path must have slipped my mind, master,” Void replied pleasantly. “I so needed the walk after all.”

     “To wind up Malakai you mean?”

     “I assure you, I had absolutely no idea that he was standing guard, waiting for me to inevitably cross his path…”

     On hearing that, Gabriel gave a wry smile. He knew what was really going on.

     “See to it that it doesn't happen again,” he spoke merrily. “Prodding each other is all well and good, but I can't have you killing each other. Understand?”

     “I'll try to keep it in mind.”

     “Good! Now, carry on in disposing of the rubbish, while it still draws breath I might add.”

     “I'll see to it right away, sir…” Behind his mask, Void smiled as he continued on his way, the poor soul behind him finding no respite but cold oblivion waiting for him…

     Gabriel watched as Void left, chuckling to himself all the while. It was a good thing that it was time for his plans to advance, otherwise who knew what would happen if the Shadows were left to their own devices much longer…


That's it for this week!

See you next time, till then...

Keep on writing!

Peter James Martin

Quick Links

The Strange Tales of Brennan and Riz Volume 1

The Strange Tales of Brennan and Riz Book 1: A Boy and A Rat

The Strange Tales of Brennan and Riz Volume 2

Malarkey's Imaginomnibus Volume 1

Malarkey's Imaginomnibus Fade to Noir 

Malarkey's Imaginomnibus Hubble Bubble

Wednesday 7 August 2024

#83 Ding Dong

Happy Blog Day Everyone!

Another writing review to get out of the way this week, but it'll be a short one, as there isn't a lot to go on this time round!

Before that, lets check in on Brennan and Riz...

The Comic Tales of Brennan and Riz

Sorry about the quality here, especially the third panel, it was drawn in a hurry due to outside circumstances. Next time Valarie gets drawn, she'll be consistent. Times like this I wish I still had access to a computer with a scanner.

At the moment, I'm stuck taking a photo of the completed comic and then trying to fix the colours. This is not ideal to say the least. This is also why things are never straight as they can be.

July Report

An interesting month as far as writing goes!

My Malarkey's Story is racing to completion as I'm close to 4k words now. In fact, as long as conditions are right, it should be done in the next couple of weeks at latest. My decision to reboot the draft last month was the correct one.

Bigger news however was the changes I undertook to my Daemon Soul Awakening manuscript. These were requested by the publisher and while I had two months to do the work...I took a little over two weeks. I'm eager to get to work on more Daemon Soul writing so, once I've cleared some of my backlog, I may do just that.

Blog wise I wrote two new Short Diversions:

A Bad Dream- a short featuring a character called Aldo Ansem, set in the same continuity as the previous month's Eve story.

A Day in the Life- Valarie’s first Short Diversions piece. It was about time I gave her a turn at this, and she'll probably get more as well. She's always fun to write.

That's it for this week, but there is a new Short Diversions coming soon, how soon? 7 days do ya?

Till next time,

Keep on writing!

Peter James Martin

Quick Links

The Strange Tales of Brennan and Riz Volume 1

The Strange Tales of Brennan and Riz Book 1: A Boy and A Rat

The Strange Tales of Brennan and Riz Volume 2

Malarkey's Imaginomnibus Volume 1

Malarkey's Imaginomnibus Fade to Noir

Malarkey's Imaginomnibus Hubble Bubble