Wednesday 5 July 2023

#26 Not Helpful In The Least + Discoveries

 Happy Blog Day Everyone!

Another short one this week as another project has come to gobble my time (well two non-writing projects). So many things to do, so little time to do them!

I should break ground on a new story this week mind if I'm to get it done before the submission date 

The Comic Tales of Brennan and Riz 

Part 2 of this continuing conundrum is here!

Our heroes are still as clueless as ever, maybe next week they'll get a peek at the despot who put them in a zombie filled mad house (I'd be surprised if people couldn't guess the culprits identity however...)

Still no end date for this storyline in sight, so it might be something that sees me over the summer holidays and into Autumn....Where has this year gone? If everything goes well I may commit to doing a Xmas themed one in November/December.

Phantom Dawn: Memories of a Rose

Last time, we were left with an ominous portal, let's see who steps through it...

(First posted April 13th 2021)

Out of the pitch black portal, two robed figures emerged, wearing a #halo of darkness.

"My magic can't locate her," one said, observing the screens she created with a gesture.

"Looks like we get to do this the fun way!" The other eagerly replied.

(First posted April 14th 2021)

The two shadowy figures were interrupted, as a hydra the size of a #bungalow, roused by the Phantom Dawn charged them.
One of them enthusiastically raced to meet it, throwing off her robe as she did, a segmented barbed whip clenched in her fist.

(First posted April 15th 2021)

"I #feel so alive!" The young woman with the chain whip laughed as she tore the middle head of the hydra. "Now be a good boy and sit!" She chided.
"Dagger! Stop this at once! We don't have time to waste!" Her comrade shouted.
"Oh Haze! Loosen up!"

(First posted April 16th 2021)

Dagger turned away from her sister.
"Now, where was I? Oh yeah! Hydra training."
Tired of feeling #Invisible, a burst of magic flashed out from Haze's hand, annihilating the hydra utterly.
"As I said, we do not have the time!" Haze said calmly.

(First posted April 17th 2021)

"Stop killing my pets!" Dagger hissed at her sister. "You killed that bear, the boy and now that Hydra!"
"We do not have the time to indulge your desires!" Haze's #language belaying her intent.
"Stop your arguing!" A cold voice interrupted.
The siblings turned and their #language changed as they saw the two baleful eyes glaring from under a pearl white mask.
"Father," they each said with hushed reverence. Under his mask, Void smiled.
"Your grandfather wants a word," he said.


So, one of the non-writing projects I was tasked with doing was drawing some pictures, and the most important part, colouring digitally. It was a technique I first learned (badly) way back in 2007-2008. While I was never fluent like the masters, I was, semi decent. For this task though I needed some decent software and for differing  reasons, what I could get for my chrome book wasn't cutting it (they're fine programs but I've got odd tastes). To do this job, I needed my old program. For this, I'd have to dig out am ancient piece of hardware, my first laptop from 2006 (that still boots up but is probably on its way out).

Starting up that laptop was like opening a time capsule of decades past. When delving into the files,  I found treasures rubbing elbows with complete garbage. For examples of garbage, I found all my notes and manuscripts for my Terrorform stories (I shared an extract on this blog a few years was terrible). The notes also included plans for two unwritten sequels which would have furthered the awfulness. There is also half a dozen barely started stories, including the original Phantom Dawn. There is also a whole heap of Daemon Soul on there, a lit it I can't remember writing, including a 3rd version of Daemon Soul Avalon (the 2nd story). Amongst the treasures though was all the notes I made during the redraft process. This includes dates when things happened, character's motivation and ideas for the future. Other gems was the plans I had for a visual Novel which would have been the final piece of the whole storyline, with every character coming together for the last battle. Yes, I was very ambitious.

Something else I found was my old rpgmaker games (a software that does exactly what it says on the tin, makes top down view rpg like the old final fantasy games...I think there's been several new versions of the engine since I made these files back in 2010...), the most developed was, you guessed it, a Daemon Soul title...that dropped the Urban from urban fantasy, taking on a complete fantasy aesthetic. It represents a niche, a dead end passion project, but I did use it to explore some other characters that I hope to rework into the stories someday.

There was far more files I found as well (role-playing game notes! Drawings left unfinished! Warhammer fan rules! My own Mech wargame rules set!), but too many to discuss here. I hope to start sharing snippets of work again, resurrecting my old lost writings pieces from this very blog.

Till then,
Keep on writing!

Peter James Martin

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