Tuesday, 4 March 2025

#113 Dear Diary III + Writing Challenge Update

Happy Blog Day Everyone

Well, as it's the first blog of March, it's only fair that I look over the first stage of the challenge and how I did, perhaps more importantly, why it turned out the way it did. Before all of that though, we better catch up with a certain pair...

The Comic Tales of Brennan and Riz

Well, there you go, I promised a third part and I delivered. The last panel didn't turn out quite how I wanted but live and learn. I do enjoy these low word count strips, but they can be tricky to be entertaining. I just need to make more of them to practice with!

I'll also apologise for the layout on this one, really went wonky and I'm not quite sure why.

Daemon Soul Awakening Update

The 31st of March creeps closer and closer. I've been doing more advert social media posts to try and spread the good word, though I also need to get into gear and get substack up and running.

To help with the advertising efforts, I created the following:

There is still a third one to finish off, one for the lovely Serena, though to my shame, she won't have a song associated with her...Unless any of you reading this blog can help me pick a song for her (to wit: she is 220 year old warrior who looks 18 and often puts duty above herself). If you have a suggestion, put it in the comments below.

While these will be used as adverts, I'm thinking of rounding them out with two more that will be blog exclusive. The first beimg Matt, and the other, Death. If you're wondering about the lack of Gabriel, then don't fret, I haven't forgotten him, just that he'll get one in the run up to Book 2!

Phantom Dawn Update

Chapter 4 is...erm...

Look, I've thought about Chapter 4 okay? Okay so not the Update of the century there but I do plan in making some readability changes by going back and adding next chapter links. It's something minor but every little helps...Or so I've heard anyway!

Writing Challenge Update

So flashback to January and you may remember I set myself a little writing challenge, a couple of goals that would see me through till the beginning of Summer. The first was to get to 90,000 words by the end of February, and completing the first draft of Daemon Soul Avalon in the process. With the second being to have editing and all changes done to said story by end of May, ensuring that I can send it off to the publisher, knowing that it's the best I could make it. Sounds simple enough, right?

The first of those milestones has passed, seeing as February has come and gone. Time to see where I landed with it.

In word count terms, smashed it out of the park with a day to spare, by the end of the 27th February, I'd written 91k words almost. Goal completed my, job done. Right?

Well...no. As I'd stated a few times in this very blog over the past few weeks, I'd become aware of the trajectory of the story, and how 90k words...wasn't going to cut it. By saying that, it doesn't mean that the story is going to be way longer. Just that a lot of what I've wrote till this point is probably going to go underneath the editing knife...a lot. I'm honestly not sure how this happened. When I started with just 55k words to the draft, 35k seemed like an awful lot, especially since at that point, the story was building up to it's final conflicts. I anticipated writing the ending and then needing to find places to inject more plot into, but alas, that was a forlorn hope.

So I messed up and didn't complete the story (but I did hit 90k so yay?) How will that affect the edits? In short it won't. Or at least, I don't think it will. I think that the story will finally be done this month, still giving me time to redo the bad bits. Then again, I'm sure I said that last time!

That's all for today!

Till next time,

Keep on writing

Quick Links

Malarkey's Imaginomnibus Volume 1

Malarkey's Imaginomnibus Fade to Noir

Malarkey's Imaginomnibus Hubble Bubble

Malarkey's Imaginomnibus Ominous Orbs

Daemon Soul Awakening - Amazon, books2read.

Link Tree

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