Tuesday, 4 March 2025

#113 Dear Diary III + Writing Challenge Update

Happy Blog Day Everyone

Well, as it's the first blog of March, it's only fair that I look over the first stage of the challenge and how I did, perhaps more importantly, why it turned out the way it did. Before all of that though, we better catch up with a certain pair...

The Comic Tales of Brennan and Riz

Well, there you go, I promised a third part and I delivered. The last panel didn't turn out quite how I wanted but live and learn. I do enjoy these low word count strips, but they can be tricky to be entertaining. I just need to make more of them to practice with!

I'll also apologise for the layout on this one, really went wonky and I'm not quite sure why.

Daemon Soul Awakening Update

The 31st of March creeps closer and closer. I've been doing more advert social media posts to try and spread the good word, though I also need to get into gear and get substack up and running.

To help with the advertising efforts, I created the following:

There is still a third one to finish off, one for the lovely Serena, though to my shame, she won't have a song associated with her...Unless any of you reading this blog can help me pick a song for her (to wit: she is 220 year old warrior who looks 18 and often puts duty above herself). If you have a suggestion, put it in the comments below.

While these will be used as adverts, I'm thinking of rounding them out with two more that will be blog exclusive. The first beimg Matt, and the other, Death. If you're wondering about the lack of Gabriel, then don't fret, I haven't forgotten him, just that he'll get one in the run up to Book 2!

Phantom Dawn Update

Chapter 4 is...erm...

Look, I've thought about Chapter 4 okay? Okay so not the Update of the century there but I do plan in making some readability changes by going back and adding next chapter links. It's something minor but every little helps...Or so I've heard anyway!

Writing Challenge Update

So flashback to January and you may remember I set myself a little writing challenge, a couple of goals that would see me through till the beginning of Summer. The first was to get to 90,000 words by the end of February, and completing the first draft of Daemon Soul Avalon in the process. With the second being to have editing and all changes done to said story by end of May, ensuring that I can send it off to the publisher, knowing that it's the best I could make it. Sounds simple enough, right?

The first of those milestones has passed, seeing as February has come and gone. Time to see where I landed with it.

In word count terms, smashed it out of the park with a day to spare, by the end of the 27th February, I'd written 91k words almost. Goal completed my, job done. Right?

Well...no. As I'd stated a few times in this very blog over the past few weeks, I'd become aware of the trajectory of the story, and how 90k words...wasn't going to cut it. By saying that, it doesn't mean that the story is going to be way longer. Just that a lot of what I've wrote till this point is probably going to go underneath the editing knife...a lot. I'm honestly not sure how this happened. When I started with just 55k words to the draft, 35k seemed like an awful lot, especially since at that point, the story was building up to it's final conflicts. I anticipated writing the ending and then needing to find places to inject more plot into, but alas, that was a forlorn hope.

So I messed up and didn't complete the story (but I did hit 90k so yay?) How will that affect the edits? In short it won't. Or at least, I don't think it will. I think that the story will finally be done this month, still giving me time to redo the bad bits. Then again, I'm sure I said that last time!

That's all for today!

Till next time,

Keep on writing

Quick Links

Malarkey's Imaginomnibus Volume 1

Malarkey's Imaginomnibus Fade to Noir

Malarkey's Imaginomnibus Hubble Bubble

Malarkey's Imaginomnibus Ominous Orbs

Daemon Soul Awakening - Amazon, books2read.

Link Tree

Wednesday, 26 February 2025

#112 Dear Diary II + Short Diversions: Phantom Dawn Chapter 3

Happy Blog Day Everyone!

I've got some exciting news to share today for Daemon Soul, as well as Chapter 3 of Phantom Dawn. So there's a lot to talk about, so let's get into it with our favourite man and rat duo!

The Comic Tales of Brennan and Riz

Okay, originally last week's was a stop gap due to time constraints but the more I thought about it, the more I wanted to continue the little storyline. Next weeks is the final part of it. If my planned third panel pays off, it'll make the whole event worthwhile.

Writing Challenge

There will be two days left by the time this post goes live. I have definitely failed to get the draft finished by the end of February (I think I got bogged down in a few chapters, wasting words on events that weren't strictly necessary). However, I'm on track for 90k by the 28th. Shame the two goals couldn't have coincided! That said, I can see the finish line with maybe three-four chapters to go. Luckily I've given myself a few months to get the draft polished.

Daemon Soul Awakening

So what's the big news?

How about it's yours to read on the 31st of March!

My brilliant publisher has even made a book trailer to mark the occasion, which you can see below:

Pretty good eh? How about that Cypher on the front, not bad for a day's work!

Want your copy?
Hit up these links!

There will be a print version, but it may take a couple of days to appear.

In my next few blog posts I'll talk more about it, and share some fact files I'll be making to advertise the book.

Till then, I'll leave this section with a message from Gabriel:

Short Diversions: Phantom Dawn- Memories of a Rose Chapter 3

Chapter Index

When we last left the red haired girl and Neal, the Phantom Dawn had appeared, awakening a monster too. Quite the perilous position to be in. How will they deal with the situation, read on to find out!

Oh, this is the red haired girl by the way:

Chapter 3: Awaken

     At Neal’s urging, the red haired girl was running for her life. The beast that was chasing them seemed to be no further away than when it started but at least didn't seem to be getting closer.
     “Where are we running to?” The girl asked, hoping for an answer that was close by.
     “At the moment, we're just running away! Sometimes these creatures are territorial, it might stop chasing us if we leave it's area,” Neal stated between breaths.
     “And if it doesn't?”
     “Then it's hungry and we're in trouble. The Phantom Dawn alters their behaviour, and size, making them hyper aggressive!” Neal had to steady himself.
     To the girl, it was clear that he was running as fast as he could, hampered by his age, but for her, she couldn't shake the feeling that she was going slower than she should. It felt like every part of her body was covered in tar.
     “Can we try hiding?” The girl asked, risking a look over her shoulder. The beast was still fixated on them with its clouded over eyes.
     “No, not while that blasted thing is hanging above us.”
     The girl didn't need to think much about what he was getting at. She longed for the moment that the world would make sense, that what was happening to her now would make sense.
     There was another rumble, the sound of the ground splitting. The girl risked a look behind her, and the last she saw of the beast was its long tail disappearing into the ground.
     “Is it gone?” She said with surprise, allowing herself to stop. Neal also stopped, almost keeling over, coughing as he did, the exertion catching up to him. Things seemed to fall silent, with nothing but the wind picking up. Neal and the girl stood back to back not knowing what was going on at all.         This continued for about a minute, with neither of them daring to breathe, till there was a low rumble from beneath them.
     “Move!” Neal grabbed the girl and then threw her and himself to the ground as a large rock burst upwards. The girl rolled as Neal ended up falling the other way. No sooner as the first rock shot up, more soon followed as the girl scrambled to her feet, her heart beating frantically, there was another sensation embedded within it, one that was begging for attention, but right then, she wanted to survive. Neal was standing again, and though his movements were a lot more sluggish, he too was running again.
     The pair linked up but found more rocks blocking their path, and with every turn they tried, the creature reacted with more makeshift walls till eventually, there was only one path to perceived freedom. The pair naturally headed this way, but then the monster burst up from the ground, blocking the escape route, and now headed right for them.
     It came running at full pelt, its feet pounding the ground, pushing itself forward to consume the prey before it.
     Neal froze like deer in headlights, and instinctively, the red haired girl leapt in front of him, and pushed him to the ground away from where they had been standing. To Neal’s surprise, he went further than he thought he should have, leading several feet away from the red haired girl who now stood staring down the creature. As the monster neared her, it spun round, using its tail to perform a sweeping attack. Neal couldn’t bear to watch as the attack connected, the girl had raised her arms in an attempt to block. 
     The next sounds he expected to hear was of the girl’s cries, or the sound of her being crushed against the rocks, but he didn’t hear any of that. Instead, he looked up, and saw that she was still standing, her arms still raised. He gasped in amazement when he looked down and saw the ground that had been dug up by her feet as the beast had managed to push her back, but that was it.           The girl lowered her arms, and Neal’s amazement turned to fear as her eyes were glazed over, losing the spark they previously had. The red haired girl never said anything, and ran over to the monster, and the two started to brawl. The monster tried to snap at her with its jaws, but couldn’t catch her, while the girl rained blows on it that caused it to shudder and howl in pain. Nothing the monster could do could hurt her, she was too quick and jumped over another tail sweep, getting close to the monster and punching it in the gut before delivering a high kick to its face.
     Neal couldn’t believe any of what he was seeing, the girl wasn’t just holding her own, but beating back the creature, one several times her size. Beaten and bruised, the monster crawled off, digging back into the ground. Waiting with bated breath, Neal looked nervously at the ground, in case the creature was trying to launch another surprise attack, but nothing happened, and as the seconds rolled into minutes, a new calm fell on the area.
     “E-Excuse me?” Neal called out to the red haired girl who hadn’t moved since she let the monster go. “A-Are you okay?”
The girl turned to face him, with those dark eyes, but didn’t reply.
     “Uhh…” Neal tried to think of something, anything that might have helped in the situation. The girl took a step forward, and then collapsed to her knees, her eyes returning to their normal state, and she dropped down so she was now on all fours.
     “W-What happened?” she asked, almost crying. In that moment before the tail had hit it, she had finally given in to that strange feeling that was shouting for her attention. There were glimpses of what she’d done but it didn’t feel like it was her who did any of it.
     “Y-You saved us.” These weren’t the real words that Neal wanted to say, but he could see that even she didn’t know what happened, so by saying that, it was something positive at least.
     “I-I did?” She looked around, realising that the monster had well and truly gone. Instead of feeling happy though, she felt awful. She didn’t know where she had come from, she didn’t know what this place was that she had found herself in, and now, there was this power that seemed to exist within her, that almost turned her into a different person. Worst of all, she still didn’t even know her own name.
     Neal sensed that she must have been deep in thought, as he got closer to her again, trusting his intuition that despite her abilities, she was just as she looked, a deeply upset woman who needed help, rather than another monster. There wasn’t a lot he knew he could say, at least nothing helpful.
     “Is there anything you’d like me to call you?” he said finally. This was a gamble in of itself, but it was one he was willing to take. It was also a practical one, as it meant that he could stop referring to her as ‘girl’. 
     “I don’t know my name though,” the red haired girl replied.
     “I know, but I still need to call you something, so choose a new name, one that will do until you can remember what name you were given,” Neal smiled. Anyone else would have called him mad for standing there, let alone choosing to still help her after all the weirdness.
     “What name can I choose?” the girl asked herself, looking around confused.
     “Any name that you want. Maybe it could be something that’s precious to you, Doesn’t have to be fancy.” 
     The girl thought hard, going through what limited information she had, then she remembered the rose on her jacket, and took it out, looking at it perfect beauty. The colour of it’s petals matched the colour of her hair. The more she thought about it, the more the obvious answer to her question was.
     “Rose,” she said, in a low voice at first.
     “What?” Neal asked, genuinely unable to hear her at first.
     “My name, please call me Rose,” she said again, raising her voice. Neal was taken back by the intensity, but he had to admit, it was a good choice.
     “Okay then Rose, as we can’t leave you out here alone, how about you accompany me for a bit. At least till you have your bearings and can decide what you want to do. I’m meeting up with my grandson and our mutual business associate in the next town. It’s where I was heading to when I met you. Will that be okay?” Neal asked. Seeing as there was no way he could just leave her alone out here, even if she did have a strength that rivaled the monsters, this was the next best solution. There was also a slight resemblance that was affecting him but he pushed that one out of his mind. He wanted to do this for Rose. He didn’t think his grandson would mind too much.
     “As long as I won’t be a burden to you,” Rose answered.
     “It’s more likely I’ll be a burden to you! At my age, I can’t do half the things you can. Let’s go, hopefully we can avoid any more surprises caused by the Phantom Dawn.” 

     With that, Rose and Neal headed on, not knowing what events had been set in motion.


Next Chapter (not ready yet!)

Well, she has a name now at least! This is the end of this mini arc, next time, it's time to get to know the world better and introduce some fresh new characters!

Till next time...

Keep on writing!

Peter James Martin

Quick Links

Daemon Soul Awakening - Amazon, books2read.

Wednesday, 19 February 2025

#111 Dear Diary + Update

Happy Blog Day Everyone

Work continues apace on Chapter 3 of Phantom Dawn so you'll have to make do with an update on things (I know you love them so). To sweeten the deal, there is a new Brennan and Riz comic to hopefully tide you over!

The Comic Tales of Brennan and Riz

Not going to lie, I took it to the wire to figure out what this comic was going to be about. I think I just about made it work but definitely won't be doing that again!

That being said, the format works here and I think with further refinement it might actually be funny. Maybe I could do a second part next week focusing on Brennan’s diary. A third part writes itself with Riz reading that entry!

Update and a picture!

So, I'm running out of days in February it seems, with the end rapidly approaching. On the plus side, I've got less than 8000 words left till I hit my 90000 goal. The downside is the story looks to be no where near completed. I'm in the final stretch no doubt, but definitely not doable in what I've got left! I'm also noting some common issues I keep running into (especially if I'm writing late into the night) and that is I'm a meandering writer, I can see that I need to write in a straight line but instead, I seem to be do anything but, finding the longest way to get anywhere. Like for instance, at the current moment, our heroes Cypher and Serena (more on her later) are trying to get somewhere urgently but the path is blocked by demons, swarms of demons. What I should have done was expedite proceedings to get them where they had to be. Not like there wasn't more action planned when they got to their destination. Did I do this though? No, I got bogged down, hard. I escalate the demons designs, culminating in demons that looked like tanks with legs. Then dragged out fight scenes because I have no self-restraint. Editing is going to be where the real fight with this book is going to be.

In other news, I now have a provisional release date for Daemon Soul Awakening.  Not sure if I can share it, but its close, I've also seen the cover now...because I designed the biggest element of it!

I thought I'd left my digital colouring days in the past because of equipment issues (the issue being I had no equipment) this changed Saturday night when I found an app for my phone (that was free, super important that part) that seemed to do everything my old setup seemed to do (minus masks but I can make do without for now) and I came across a random stylus. Thus I made a triumphant return to the medium, though my skills are middling at best. I can't show you the coved art just yet but I can show you the one I completed today:


For illustration purposes, heres the sketch it started life as:

Told you there would be more about Serena later. Looking back at it though, I did mess up the line art slightly on her head but, I can do better next time. It's been odd doing this on my phone of all things but fun.

Anyway, that's all for this week, Phantom Dawn Chapter 3 will be ready for your consumption next time, so till then.

Keep on writing!

Peter James Martin

Quick Links

Wednesday, 12 February 2025

#110 Perfect Gift? + Short Diversions: Phantom Dawn Chapter 2

Happy Blog Day Everyone!

Today we have the newest chapter of Phantom Dawn for your reading pleasure, along with a very good update for both Daemon Soul Awakening and my writing challenge, but first do you hear that? Sounds like love is in the air for our favourite duo! Guess it must be Valentines this week!

The Comic Tales of Brennan and Riz

Yes, as is tradition, here's this years Valentines strip, though I must admit, I had no idea what happened in that first panel. Brennan’s face has been off model before but never quite to that extent. The rest of it I'm quite happy with, for once. This is Luna's second appearance in the strip, following her first one...in the very first Valentines strip two years ago! Not that her fur has gone lighter over the years...

Really need to use her more often!

Update on Daemon Soul Awakening and Writing Challenge

Okay, the editor sent me back the final chapters the other day, meaning...the editing work is done! Well, not quite as there's a couple of other changes to make. Also have to write a new bio and acknowledgements but the whole project finally feels real. It'll seem like a daft thing to say, but when I first signed the contract, it felt unreal. Like I was expecting it to fall through at any point. Knowing that in scant weeks I'll have the book in my hands...it's a powerful boost.

That boost must have also rubbed off on my writing challenge as Avalon is currently sitting on over 76k words, leaving only 13-14k left till I reach the 90k goal I set myself. It is looking increasingly likely though that things aren't going to be finished. I was prepared for that though, the current chapters I'm working on are proving to be a slog and a word sink. Nearing the end of this section, so hopefully I can pick things up at the end. Already know which parts are getting cut once I enter the next phase.

Short Diversions: Phantom Dawn- Memories of a Rose Chapter 2

Last time on Phantom Dawn, the red haired girl had woken up in a strange place and met Neal, an old traveller who stopped to take care of her after she fell from an opening in the sky. The girl found a rose nearby which triggered a memory in her, then promptly passed out again. What will happen this time? Read on to find out!

Phantom Dawn Chapter Index


Chapter 1


Chapter 2: The Phantom Dawn 

     For the second time after she’d made arrival on…Wherever it was, the red haired girl had woken in a daze. The old man she had met, Neal, was sat next to her, stroking the flames of a small fire. She hadn't even realised yet that it was night time now, the sky having gotten darker than black. 

     “I see you're awake again,” Neal said, turning to her. “Are you hungry? I don't have much, but I can share what I do have.”

     The red haired girl looked down at her own hands, noticing the rose that was lying next to her from where she dropped it earlier. She had to ask herself if she was hungry, or if that was a different sensation calling for her attention. She placed her hands on her stomach, as if trying to gauge her level of hunger, before responding to what Neal had actually said.

     “If you can and don’t mind. If there’s only enough for you, don’t worry about it.” 

     “In this place, the young need to be fit and healthy. Even if I had to go without, I’d still give you some. Do you remember anything else about yourself? Like your name?” Neal asked, as he took some rations out of his bag, bits of food that he’d been able to scavenge.

     “No…” The girl shook her head sadly. “I can’t remember my name, where I’m from, what I’m supposed to do…I don’t even know if I’ve left anyone behind or if I’ve always been alone,” she hugged her knees, tears forming in her eyes.

     Neal didn’t know what to say to comfort her. He didn’t have any answers for her either. People had always considered him a sage-like figure, offering advice but here, it wasn’t any use. None of his experiences could offer her any solace, there were no kind words he could even offer.

     “I’m sorry,” he finally said. “I wish I knew how to help, but…” he trailed off. He didn’t even know how to end that sentence.

     “It’s okay. I’m sorry that I had to disturb you…What were you doing, if I may ask?” the girl inquired, there was a natural inquisitiveness to her eyes, and it reminded Neal of someone else.

     “I was travelling home, or what accounts for home, after completing a job,” he explained. “Truth be told, I wasn’t expecting it to take this long!” He let out a little laugh.

     “Job?” the red haired girl looked around with a confused look on her face. “What kind of job would you be doing out here?”

     Neal stiffied his laughter, and let out a heavy sigh, as though something was weighing him down.

     “To answer that truthfully, I would have to explain a lot more about this place you’ve fallen into, and honestly, I wouldn’t want to upset you with it. For now, I’ll just say that I help people that need the most help. I know these lands well enough, I know the best passages to safety.”

     “Safety? Why would people need safety? Are we not safe out here?” the girl titled her head slightly, wanting to make sense of everything that Neal was saying, and implying.    

     “Well..” Neal looked hesitantly to the sky. That was the other thing he hadn’t told her yet. To everyone who lived in those lands, it was as natural as the cloud filled sky, but to someone who had never witnessed it before, how could it be discussed? How would he begin to describe it? Deep down, he knew he didn't need to say anything. On staying with her, he'd doomed his chances at getting to safety before it all kicked off, but he wasn't about to leave her alone, at the mercy of the element and the monsters that were lurking close by.

     As if reading his thoughts, the sky made an ominous sound, like breaking glass. It was quiet at first but slowly grew louder and inescapable.

     “What's that noise?” The red haired girl asked.

     Neal hung his head, he knew he should have said something earlier.

     The red haired girl found her eyes drawn to a point in the sky, surprising Neal who couldn't see anything yet, as was usual, the visual event came after the noise, in a random spot every time. The girl kept on staring, as the noise grew till her persistence paid off, and a crack appeared in the sky. The crack took the form of a slight curve, and from its ends came more cracks that shot out in the shape of a circle, the ends meeting at the direct opposite point from the first one. It hung in the air, the noise having ceased, till everything in the circle shattered. The pieces falling out but breaking up into gossamer before touching the ground. In its place was a giant pale clouded eye that stared outwards, til it faded away, leaving a transparent glowing orb that gave the illusion of the breaking dawn. Its eerie light casting new and twisted shadows.

     “What…What is that?” the girl asked with a stammer.

     “I don't know who named it, but it's called the Phantom Dawn. It's been occurring for as long as I can remember, and perhaps even longer than that. They say it first appeared the time when the world became like this, a nightmare we’re all trapped in,” Neal explained with a sad tone.

     The red haired girl looked around again, noticing the lack of life in the wasteland, the only things growing were hardy.

     “We have to be careful now,” Neal continued. “The Phantom Dawn affects a lot more than just how things look around here.”

     “What do you mean?” the red haired girl asked hesitantly.

     Neal’s eyes nervously wandered around the landscape, till a slight tremour seemed to confirm his worst suspicions. He quickly got up, and stomped out the fire, grabbing his belongings.

     “We have to go now!” He said, his tone was as commanding a voice as he could muster.

     The red haired girl got to her feet, though a bit shaky. She checked to see if the rose was still in her grasp and placed it in her pocket, hoping it would be secure there.

     “What's going on?” she asked in a blind panic, all of the events confusing her more than she already was.

     “I said the Phantom Dawn affected more l, didn't I? Unfortunately, one of the things it affects is about to appear! We have to start running!” Neal turned to run, but the ground behind them broke open, sending debris everywhere. He looked backwards in horror as a large shape emerged from a hole in the ground. 

     At first, the red haired girl thought it looked like a lizard, but standing on two powerful legs, its forearms were constantly flexing, grabbing the thin air with vicious sharp claws. It’s long tail whipping around. It’s elongated snout covered in little armour plates, while two beady clouded over eyes bulged out of their sockets. The creature was larger than both Neal and the girl. It started charging towards them, and acting fast, Neal grabbed the girl’s arm, and began to drag her away, knowing it was going to be a futile effort…


Next Chapter

Well, that's all for this week!

There will probably be a two week wait for Chapter 3, which will be the end of this little arc. Not sure what I'll waffle on about next week, but I'm sure I'll figure something out.

Till then...

Keep on writing!

Peter James Martin

Quick Links

Malarkey's Imaginomnibus Volume 1

Malarkey's Imaginomnibus Fade to Noir

Malarkey's Imaginomnibus Hubble Bubble

Malarkey's Imaginomnibus Ominous Orbs

Tuesday, 4 February 2025

#109 What's in a Name? + update February 5th

Happy Blog Day Everyone!

A quick update today, was almost tempted to get another chapter of Phantom Dawn done but decided against it as I've got a lot to get done and decreasing time to do it in!  You know who else has a lot on his plate? Let's see what Riz is dealing with!

The Comic Tales of Brennan and Riz

Is this final part of Riz’s band shenanigans? Or will I be able to work it into the Valentines fun next week? Let's wait and see shall we!

Not much else to say about this one, other than I wish I could think of better band names!

Update 5th February 2025

As said above, had I not had other things to work on (we'll talk about my work in progress in a moment), you would have been reading Phantom Dawn Chapter 2 right now. It is coming along quite nicely however. As stated last week, these first three chapters forms an introduction of sorts, and chapter 2 specifically introduces the reason why the story bears the name Phantom Dawn. A name I've had in my back pocket since 2006. Yes, that long.

Other than that, I've been continuing with Avalon, and I'm happy to say we're now under 20k and dropping. Sadly the last few days haven’t been that productive for me, but I'm hoping I can catch up. I've also got plenty of notes for when the draft is finished, namely that the chapters I'm currently writing...Will get nuked. You can argue it's a waste of effort on my part, but if I was to rewrite now, I may not make my writing challenge. This is par for the course for me, I have to admit, I've done similar things going back to the very first draft of Daemon Soul Awakening in 2005-2007.

Speaking of that story (neat little segue there I think you'll find!) Daemon Soul Awakening has only one chapter left for the editor to run through with her word scissors. We're getting really close now to release and then it may finally feel real, that a book that I first started writing all those years ago, will be out for everyone to read (or judge, definitely a fear of that!). There is still some tasks to do mind, one that requires me to get my drawing pencils out for something that isn't Brennan and Riz related. I'm super nervous about how that'll turn out! Still, I'm excited to get it out there, and even more excited to finish the rest of the series.

It'll be fun to see if people still gravitate towards the same character as my original beta readers all those years ago.

Till next time,

Keep on writing!

Peter James Martin

Quick Links

Malarkey's Imaginomnibus Volume 1

Malarkey's Imaginomnibus Fade to Noir

Malarkey's Imaginomnibus Hubble Bubble

Malarkey's Imaginomnibus Ominous Orbs

Tuesday, 28 January 2025

#108 Still Preparing To Rock + Short Diversions

Happy Blog Day Everyone!

Today I have the first chapter of Phantom Dawn to share with you all. It was done a lot faster than I thought it would hence why I'm sharing it now and not next week like I initially planned. Chapter 2 however, probably will take two weeks! 

On top of that we have another installment in the Comic Tales of Brennan and Riz's "Band Saga"! You can find that below!

Hope you enjoy it.

The Comic Tales of Brennan and Riz

I don't know what happened to Brennan and Riz in panel 1, they both look badly off model (Brennan more so) very odd. Anyway! Yes here's part 2 of Riz’s band shenanigans. Next week may be the final part of this, as I always like to ensure I've got time spare for a Valentines special, though, unlike the serendipitous timing of last year, this time, the comic will be going up 4 days earlier than the event. Can't be helped I guess!

Writing Challenge Update

Here we are within the closing days of January (it's certainly feels like it's been a long month) and I can now reflect on how the past two weeks have gone for my impromptu writing challenge. In a word? Fantastic. In that two weeks I knocked 13k words off my target. Pretty good considering that still leaves the 28 days in February to smash apart the rest (less than 22k!). At 750 words at least, im expecting to get it done! Though, of course what comes after that will probably make this bit the easiest part!

I've got a plan, let's see if I can ride it to the end!

Short Diversions: Phantom Dawn- Memories of a Rose Chapter 1

We're back with the first proper chapter of Phantom Dawn, a lot faster than I was expecting actually! These first three chapters I've planned to be an introduction to the world and two of the main characters. More will come in Chapter 4, as anyone who can remember my Comic attempts can attest too. I did a bit of too'ing and fro'ing on how to introduce the world here, so hopefully I've taken the right path.

Phantom Dawn Index



Chapter 1: Girl in the Sand


     An old man braved the harsh winds as he forced himself forwards, the land around him was broken and diseased, but it was all anyone had. The old man though, Neal, thought he was making good progress. His trek across the wasteland had gone smoother than he had anticipated. Soon, he would be in the relative safety of the new towns, and out of the open spaces of the valley. Shelter couldn’t come quick enough, he knew the event was imminent, and when that occurred, the strange beasts that roamed would become even more dangerous. One thing he wouldn’t escape from, was the oppressive overcast sky. It’s grey colour was threatening but sadly normal. Neal knew no one that had known any different, even when the event took place, the clouds didn’t part. He may have been able to move faster if he wasn’t lugging around the suitcase that was tied to his arm. The suitcase though, was proof of his occupation to those who were in the know.

     Rubbing his beard, Neal stopped for a breather, glancing at his surroundings, and ignoring the mirages that offered tantalising glimpses of the treasures that were buried under rock and sand. His age required too many of these breathers than he would have liked, and with each one, he could feel a greater pull to dig, but he knew better. Mustering all his will power, and with a heavy breath, he began to move forward once more. He lifted the brim of his hat a bit to observe the sky, trying to gauge where the sun was behind the clouds that forever obscured it. He estimated another hour or two of optimum light left before he’d have to stop for the night. 

     There had been a droning sound that he heard faintly, it hadn’t bothered him at first as out in the wasteland, there was always some weird noise or another in the distance. This one however, transcended classification. Now, it was getting louder, like the source was heading towards him. He looked around for the source, and found his gaze locked to the sky above. There was something new there, like a glinting star. It started slow but then erupted into a tear that streaked across the observable sky above Neal. The other side of this divide looked like chaos itself, a mix of nightmarish colours that clashed into each other. From this though he spotted a white object that contrasted heavily against the madness. This object, whatever it was, moved slowly at first till it was clear from the tear, then it broke up into multiple parts, each shooting down to earth, with the closest crashing several dunes away from where Neal stood. Still in shock, the old man looked back at the tear, just in time to see it close itself up again, the strange sound disappearing along with it.

     In the stillness that remained, Neal cautiously headed over to where the object had fallen, wanting to see what had been ejected. While he would never claim to have a good idea of what was going on in the world, he thought he knew enough. This event was a knock against that. Scrambling to the top of the ridge of the last hill, he looked out expecting to see an impact crater but there was little evidence of one, but the white light was there all the same. It seemed to flicker wildly before fading away, leaving something at its centre.

     Plucking up all the courage he had, Neal went closer and closer till he could make out the strange object that fell from the sky.

     It was a body.

     Throwing aside his cautiousness, he quickened his pace, any sense of his own safety was replaced with concern for the other person. Now close enough to see details, he saw a red haired girl with tattered clothing. She looked like she might have been in her late teens, but he couldn’t be sure. He found it odd that despite the state of her clothes, and having fallen from the sky in spectacular fashion, her skin wasn’t harmed. There were no bruises or cuts or anything. The girl in the sand was laid on her back, her arms outstretched and her legs side by side. The other imprints in the sand next to her, Neal presumed that to have been created by the strange light she’d been encased in. He edged closer to her, and placed his hand gently on her wrist, checking for a pulse, and finding that, against all odds, that she was alive. Knowing this, he sat back and pondered what was going on. This girl should not be here, she should be dead but here she was. It put him in a quandary over what he should do right now. He knew it wouldn’t be right for him to just leave her there, but at the same time he wasn’t equipped for an event like this, not currently. He was in such a puzzlement that he never noticed the girl’s hand move.

     Her weird dreams ended, the girl woke up with a shock, sitting bolt upright. Her senses were in as much confusion as she was. She looked around frantically, till it became clear that she wasn’t sure what she was looking for. All around her was a wasteland, not many signs of any life apart from the old man who had almost fallen backwards with the surprise that she was moving around.

     “Hello?” the girl asked.

     “H-Hello?” the old man repeated back to her. “Y-You’re okay?” he added once he caught his breath back. With a slight cough, he took a more dignified position.

     The girl held out her hands, looking at them intently, and then the rest of herself.

      “I think I’m okay?” she said after a moment.

      “That’s good. My name is Neal, what is yours?” the old man said, holding out his hand for her to shake it, but instead, she just looked puzzled.

     “My name? I don’t think I have a name,” the girl replied sadly.

     “Oh, I see, do you remember how you got here then?” Neal asked instead.

     Putting her hands to her head, the girl tried to remember anything, any little detail. Instead, it was like looking at a screen full of static, with the only memories that came through to her being of that dark space she was floating in, and of the rose. Her eyes widened as she began to frantically search the area next to her.

     “What’s wrong?” Neal asked, taking to his feet, his eyes also starting to dart from place to place, trying to spot whatever it was the girl was looking for. “If you can tell me what you’re looking for, I might be able to help you?” 

     “Where is it? I had it in my hand, I’m sure of it!” the girl cried out, then she caught sight of something from the corner of her eye, something red buried partially in the sand kicked up by the impact she made on the ground. She reached down and plucked the object from its resting place, and Neal looked at it as though it stirred some forgotten memory of his own.

     “I know that plant…” He murmured to himself.

     “I don’t know where this came from…I think someone precious to me gave it as a gift, but I can’t be sure. The more I look at it, the more I get the impression that I’m supposed to have it. I think, no, I’m positive, it’s called a rose,” the girl said proudly, holding it up to what she assumed was the sun in the sky, hidden being a veil of clouds.

      “Yes, I believe it was. I remember seeing a picture of it in a book once, long ago. If I recall, they no longer exist in this world,” Neal explained, as the girl turned to face him.

      “Really? That’s so sad,” she looked away, and back to the flower in her hands. Everything about it was pristine, yet its appearance also gave Neal pause. He had wandered these lands for a long time, long enough to know when something felt off. Ultimately though, he decided to not act on that feeling for now, the girl seemed genuinely happy that she’d been reunited with the rose. There were a lot of questions that he feared there would be no answers for at the moment. He looked up at the sky again, where that strange event had taken place. He remembered that there had been several white objects that had fallen, were there people in each of them? Or were there more items out there, items linked to this strange red haired girl. The more he looked at her the more he got a strange feeling, that she was reminiscent of someone else, but there was on questions about that sensation, he knew the answers all too well and buried them again. There was no time to feel pity.

     As happy as the girl was though, the moment she brought the rose in closer to herself, so she could take a deeper look into its head, then another image flashed into her mind, this was one of a shadow in the black, red eyes glaring at her from the darkness, and a smile that she knew was there, twisted and stretched, open in mocking laughter. The shadow itself had a curious shape, it stood like a man, but the general outline was more rounded at the top and thinning as it went down till it reached the bottom, which was a mass of tentacles. It was those tentacles that were reaching out for her in this memory, crucifying her in the air. The memory stopped as soon as it started, and she collapsed to the floor, as though all the pain from that memory was being reapplied to her now, every excruciating second of it.

     Neal didn’t understand what was happening, but he ran to her all the same, only to find that she’d lapsed back into unconsciousness, resembling the state he found her in the first time. Now he really was at a crossroads. He was winging the whole situation, unsure of what he was supposed to be doing, or what he could do. The other event would be happening soon, he was sure of it looking at the way the sky was now, the grey clouds turning darker. However, just like before, he knew he couldn’t leave her. So, he pulled a blanket out of his bag, and laid it over her, and focused his efforts on making a little fire, hoping that the light would keep away trouble, at least before it happened. After that, all bets would be off, and he prayed to whatever higher being in the sky would listen that the girl should awake before that happened. He settled in for what he knew would be a very long night.


Next Chapter

Well, that's all for now folks! If chapter 2 is looking to be done earlier, I may debut it next week, otherwise, expect it the fortnight after.

Till then,

Keep on writing!

Peter James Martin

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Malarkey's Imaginomnibus Volume 1

Malarkey's Imaginomnibus Fade to Noir

Malarkey's Imaginomnibus Hubble Bubble

Malarkey's Imaginomnibus Ominous Orbs

Wednesday, 22 January 2025

#107 Prepare To Rock + Short Diversions: Rose Prologue

Happy Blog Day Everyone!

I said Short Diversions would return this week, and return it shall! However, this year, I'm trying something a little different!

Instead of a different short story every two weeks, you'll get...well, you'll see in a few moments!

Of course, I'm hearing a lot of din coming from a certain pair...

The Comic Tales of Brennan and Riz

It must be said, Brennan is sadly correct. This is the start of something!

Not sure why the idea popped into my head about Riz starting a band. I will run with it however! Already have plans for the next few strips. If I had to say now, it'll probably be four parts, depends on when Valentines falls as its tradition now to do something for it.

Short Diversions: Phantom Dawn- Memories of a Rose Prologue

Okay, so first off, yes the title of the story here is a bit longer than the blog title where I just wrote Rose. That's because the whole thing would not have fit. That out of the way let's get into it shall we?

Rose is an interesting character. She's appeared in a couple of short stories, one which actually published. She was first created as part of a rpg me and a friend were going to do over email. I think that's as much as I can about her without major spoilers! Readers may remember her from last year when I shared the story and pictures from my Phantom Dawn: Memories of a Rose thread. This is technically the same story though with a few changes...actually scratch that as I'm planning the full story to be over three novellas so there's going to be more added and more detail.

Hopefully at the end, I can take what I wrote, clean it up, and release it online in some fashion. It'll be very interesting to people reading the Daemon Soul series (not just for the special guests who appear in it)

I'll share notes where appropriate but for now, it's prologue time.


Prologue: Fade to Black

     It hurt to open her eyes but she knew she needed to. All they revealed was an inky darkness, as though she was submerged deep underwater, where no light could penetrate the depths. She floated there, lost to all sense of time and space. She wanted to breath but couldn't, and lacked the energy to even struggle against the oppressive force that was keeping her in check. She couldn’t remember anything other than the moment she was stuck in.

     She became aware that something else was floating next to her, something small. She squinted her eyes, struggling to see what was there in the dark. Slowly, her body began to resonate with the desire to know what this item was, and although it was a struggle, she regained the use of her arms, pushing against the pressure that was holding her in place.

     What ever it was she was reaching for, it gave her a reason to live again, wanting freedom from the abyss she has fallen in to. As if responding to her will, the item started glowing, revealing a shape that she remembered the name of but little else: a rose. A single, solitary, rose. With part of the stem still attached. The colour of it was a vibrant red, the glow that now permeated it revealing every single detail. 

     At first, it seemed like her struggle would come to nothing, with the rose being beyond her reach. Yet, little by little, the gap between the girl and the rose narrowed, till at last, she was able to grasp it. With the slightest touch, images flooded her mind, someone handing her the rose, a gift with intent behind it. There were flashes but they were too mixed in to make anything else out. She pulled the rose close to her as she started to roll in the fetal position, floating there with the one remnant of her memories. 
     “Who am I?” she asked herself, but there was no one to offer her any answers.

     She closed her eyes.

     And then… 


That's a wrap for this week!

I'm unsure of the frequency of the updates at the moment, but I'm hoping for at least once every fortnight. If I can do several weeks on the trot, than brilliant! But my time keeping is never that reliable.

Till then...

Keep on writing!

Peter James Martin

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